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The morning came quicker than I wanted it to but with the realization that it was Friday I jumped up out of bed, quickly showered and dressed for school before running out the front door. This time all the guys were standing there waiting for me making me smile wider still, my cheeks blushed as Brian winked at me before falling in place next to me as we walked to school. Our arms brushed together a few times sending shocks up and down my body each time while the rest of the guys chattered on, clueless as to the attraction going on between Brian and I. All throughout the school day I had a hard time concentrating on the teachers and the homework they were doling out, even as I hit my last class of the day...Spanish with Brian, I was in a giddy fog as we were told yet again to converse with our partners in Spanish, that is until Brian's first sentence in Spanish snapped me out of my fog "Quiero besarte" he whispered in my ear while pushing my open textbook towards me. I looked down at the page with a scramble of Spanish phrases all over it and zoned in on the one he just said to me "Quiero besarte means I want to kiss you" the page read. My eyes shot to Brian's as my breathing became erratic; I smiled softly and whispered back in almost perfect Spanish "Yo tambien" meaning "me too." Brian's eye color darkened slightly as his gaze slid to my lips "Esta noche" he whispered softly while gazing at my mouth "Esta noche" I repeated back meaning 'tonight'. Suddenly I couldn't wait for 8pm to roll around and I wondered how I was going to make it through the movie knowing Brian wanted to kiss me again.

We walked to Jimmy's locker in silence but a comfortable silence before the guys happy antics temporarily distracted me from my thoughts of our date "You ready to see my awesomeness Georgia?!" Jimmy exclaimed as he picked me up in a huge hug again. "I sure am!" I laughed in Jimmy's embrace before we set off...this time towards Matt's house. Sure enough his parents garage had a space big enough for a drum set, some amps and other musical equipment I didn't quite recognize...and of course the guitars. I sat on the well-worn couch Indian style while the guys set up their instruments and equipment, I watched in a mesmerized trance as Brian fiddled with his guitar, tuning it just so before he shot me a smile and wink. Pretty soon loud scream/metal music erupted from the guys and while they were rough around the edges they had great potential and I was really getting into their playing. Matt shocked and astounded me with his vocal range as well his intense screaming while Jimmy stayed true to his word, he was truly awesome on the drums! Zack and Brian hit notes at the same time with the same intensity before Brian broke off into a solo that had his fingers flying in a blur up and down the neck of the guitar making me stare with an open mouth at his playing skills. For two hours I sat watching the guys play with my full concentration completely forgetting everything else around me till Matt called it a day "Okay guys I think that was pretty damn good don't you?" he croaked out before chugging half a bottle of water. The guys put away their stuff before turning to me "Well what did you think?" Zack asked with a smirk as he pulled his book bag onto his shoulder "You guys were great! Seriously you guys have the potential to make it big!" I gushed as we gathered up book bags and shuffled out of the garage.

"Thanks Georgia! That's what we're aiming for!" Jimmy gushed as he stuck his drumsticks in his bag "I told you I was awesome!" he laughed as we hit the sidewalk. We waved by to Matt and Zack as he headed off in the opposite direction that Jimmy, Brian and I were going. "So you liked our playing huh?" Brian asked quietly as we fell into step next to each other "Mhm, I really did Brian, you guys are really good" I said with a smile "Well I gotta head this way" he said with a nod of his head and quickly one arm hugged Jimmy before hugging me completely with both arms "I'll see you in a couple of hours" he whispered softly in my ear before releasing me to walk home with Jimmy. Jimmy either wasn't paying attention to our interaction or was and chose to ignore it, either way we walked the rest of the way to my house before Jimmy wrapped me in a warm hug which I was quickly coming to love "I'm glad we met Georgia, you're really awesome. Safe to say you're a best friend to me" he said happily with a wink then turned and walked a few houses down to his own before waving at me once more. I smiled happily at him as I waved back and headed inside the house but once inside I went into a frantic state of mind trying to get myself ready for tonight. The outfit I originally picked out suddenly seemed too dull so I went on a mad dash through my closet before finally settling on my blue jean mini skirt with frays on the hem and a thin long sleeved plum colored shirt that dipped daringly low to my ample cleavage. A smattering of black roses and skulls trailed down the left side of the shirt before fading across my lower stomach giving the shirt a slight rocker edge to it, I spent the remainder of the time on my hair and make-up wanting to make sure that it wasn't really noticeable that I had applied make-up.

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