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The time difference between Italy and California had us all messed up so by the time everyone was dressed and ready to go sightseeing it was almost noon in Italy but we didn't care, we were all excited and anxious to go exploring, grabbing maps and tour brochures from the hotel lobby as we exited. I made sure to have plenty of film ready for my camera and soon enough was taking pictures like mad, making sure most of them had someone from our group in them at all times.

After half an hour Brian took my camera from my hands and handed it to McKenna before pulling me into his side more. "Smile for Mac, I want a picture with my beautiful bride" he murmured quietly in my ear as we stood chest to chest, with his arms wrapped around my waist and my head against his chest. Pretty soon we were all taking turns taking a bunch of pictures with various people making our happy chatter noise rise higher and higher till his dad let out a loud whistle. "Alright Haner wedding party! Get your asses together over there!" he pointed towards a beautiful, old Italian building with ivy crawling up the walls "I want a group shot and no shenanigans Jimmy!" he laughed as he pointed a finger at Jimmy who gave us all his best innocent face before yanking Allie into him "Who? Me?" he stated in fake shock, that telltale smirk playing at his lips. "YES YOU!" we all stated loudly at the same time, making everyone burst out laughing as we paired off, with Brian and I at the center of the group. Sure enough his dad had to snap a few because Jimmy kept goofing off making us all laugh but truth be told those were going to be my favorite kinds of pictures.

We continued sightseeing for the rest of the day, carrying on and having the time of our lives with all our loved ones around us. We were like one big mass of moving people as we ambled through downtown Venice, stopping briefly to see the canal and bridge where Brian and I were to be married. My heart bumped wildly in my chest as we all stood admiring the beautiful scenery and listening to the locals carry on with their everyday lives, the Italian language flowing freely and loudly. "Just think baby 2 days we'll be down there on that water, floating off towards that bridge to get married. Then you're stuck with me for the rest of your life." Brian's words were like warm velvety softness in my ear as he cradled my back into his front, his lips brushing my ear as he spoke which in turn sent shivers down my body. "I can't wait Brian...I can't wait to marry my best friend" I said softly as I turned into him and leaned up to kiss him chastely seeing as how his family was all around us. "Me either either" he stated in a hoarse whisper before kissing the tip of my nose.


"" I mumbled quietly as I slowly came to in the early morning hours. Brian was sound asleep next to me, his back naked and on full display as he lay in deep sleep on his stomach, his face shoved in the pillow. I sat up in bed as nervous excitement filled me to the core, today was our wedding rehearsal and dinner before the big event tomorrow and I would be lying to myself if I didn't say I wasn't nervous. Not that I expected anything to go wrong or anything but this was such a huge event in my life and while Brian and I had that fake wedding back in high school and talked numerous times about being married and getting married I still couldn't help but feel the butterflies of excitement take flight in my stomach as I twirled my engagement ring around my finger slowly.

I spent the next twenty minutes or so going over my vows to make sure they conveyed my feelings as best as I could possibly convey them. It was while I was putting on the final touches to my vows that I jumped slightly as Brian's hand lightly skimmed over my naked thigh while I was sitting up next to him. "Morning gorgeous" he mumbled sleepily as he rolled over onto his side and shot me a tired smile. "Morning handsome" I murmured back as I leaned down to peck his lips softly. "What are you up to this early in the morning huh?" he asked as he sat up and leaned in, kissing my bare shoulder. I quickly folded the paper I had my vows written on and shot him a quick wink "You'll find out tomorrow" I teased lightly before letting out a squeal as he yanked me down on my back beneath him. "I for one cannot wait for tomorrow to happen" he mumbled softly as he brushed back arrant strands of hair from my face and looked down at me lovingly. "Neither can I Brian. Tomorrow evening can't get here fast enough." Brian smiled sleepily at me before leaning down and kissing me. "I suppose we should probably get dressed huh?" he asked a moment later after kissing me "Yea we is going to be super busy and I want to make sure to get a good night's rest" I mumbled as I rolled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom, blushing like mad when Brian wolf whistled at my naked backside.

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