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I had dressed quickly this morning in order to be ready to walk to school with all the guys but only Jimmy and Matt stood waiting at the gate this morning. I smiled at the guys but deep down was bummed out that Brian wasn't with them, I had dressed cutely just for him and his absence this morning made me think he wasn't coming to school. Jimmy who seemed to have an eerie sixth sense to me already must have read my mind and looped his arm around my shoulder as we walked on "No sad face Georgia, you man will be at school shortly. He got stuck at work" Jimmy explained as we neared school slowly "Work? Before school?" I asked with curiosity. "Yea, your man does construction as a side job and had to go help a fuck up early this morning" Matt explained with a dimpled grin as we neared mine and Jimmy's locker. While I was glad he was going to be at school I was still left wondering when exactly I would see him as I crammed books into the top shelf of my locker. I was so lost in my thoughts that I jumped and squealed when I felt warm hands slide around my thighs before pulling my lower half backwards "Morning gorgeous" Brian mumbled softly in my ear as he tucked his face into my neck and inhaled "Fuck you smell delicious" he groaned as he held me tight against his front.

I smiled as I turned around to face Brian and loop my arms around his neck "Morning" I said softly before leaning up on tip toe to kiss him with what was supposed to be a quick innocent peck, but Brian had other ideas as he slammed my locker shut, pushed me up against it and proceeded to kiss me very thoroughly despite the crowd of students being in the hallway. I grabbed hold of Brian's shirt with both fists to use as leverage as he towered over me and shielded me in between his arms. Vaguely I could hear Jimmy making gagging noises to my right as Brian kissed me over and over again but I was powerless to stop it "Dude ease up, the principal is coming down the hall. You don't need detention just for kissing your girl" Jimmy hissed but it was too late as I heard a stern female voice from behind Brian speak up "Mr. Haner what ARE you doing may I ask?" Brian smiled and winked down at me before turning to face the principal "Sorry ma'am I was just getting a piece of gum from my girl" he said with a cocky arrogance. Brian shielded my body from the principal as she reminded him once again that any PDA past hand holding was NOT allowed and would result in disciplinary action before stalking off in a huff. Brian and Jimmy waited till she was gone before bursting out laughing and high fiving each other "Dude you are smooth!" Jimmy exclaimed as Brian braced his forearm on the locker above my head and smirked down at me "She just needs to get laid, that will ease her twisted panties" he said to Jimmy but looked me straight in the eye before slowly leaning in to brush his lips across mine "Brian...we'll get in trouble..." I said softly as he brushed his lips across mine, his goatee tickling my chin.

"You're worth getting in trouble for" he whispered against my lips before slowly sneaking his tongue deep into my mouth and plastering his body up against mine. We commenced making out again while Jimmy snickered next to us about being horny trouble makers before Brian finally eased up and stood back upright with an utterly satisfied smirk on his face. Brian finally assessed my whole outfit of a short, spandex material black skirt, cute wedge heels and a lacy green tank top that showed off my cleavage rather well...and it was my cleavage that Brian's eyes rested on as he pulled me back into him and took two handfuls of my hair and slowly ran his fingers through it. "Can I come over after school?" he asked softly as his eyes travelled over my body leisurely making me shiver in delicious anticipation. I couldn't manage to form words so I simply nodded my head 'yes' earning a smile from him almost immediately. Brian bit his bottom lip as his eyes darkened and he lightly stroked my cheek "Can't wait" he whispered in my ear as he leaned in and kissed me quickly before heading off to his first class leaving me flustered and barely able to follow after Jimmy to homeroom. Finally I settled down and Jimmy and I commenced passing notes back and forth for the duration of homeroom which helped tremendously to ease my nerves about Brian coming over after school. As we were walking to my next class a random guy came up and smacked my ass making me jump and before I could say anything bitchy to the guy Jimmy had him jacked up against the locker and was screaming at him to have some fucking respect for females and be glad my boyfriend wasn't around "He'd fuck you up way worse than I will you piece of shit!" Jimmy yelled at him before slamming him back into the locker one more time then coming to my side. I stood there baffled at what just happened as Jimmy pulled me into a tight, protective hug "Are you okay Georgia?!" Jimmy asked in almost a panicked voice as he held my face up to his face now.

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