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      Christmas was right around the corner and the school was buzzing with pre-Christmas vacation excitement as well as talks of going elsewhere for Christmas while the eight of us were just happy to hang out at home in Huntington Beach for the holidays. Even though today was the last day before Christmas break we were still given tons of homework and I began panicking that I wouldn't get all my assignments before leaving early for the doctor so my stitches could be removed from my foot. Brian had sweet talked and conned his way into my mom's good graces by telling her that he would take me to the doctor's appointment so she didn't have to miss hours at work by coming to get me herself so here we were, leaving school together after Biology in order to go get my stitches removed. The day was unusually windy and overcast as we jogged out to Brian's car hand in hand, me jogging as fast as I possibly could without hurting my foot further till we finally reached his car. Brian yanked open my door as I dived into the seat before he slammed the door shut behind me and slid his butt across the hood of his car to get to his seat easily.

We were both laughing as Brian started his car up while I attempted to straight my wind swept hair back into order "This weather is crazy baby! I'm almost thinking we're gonna get a storm!" I exclaimed as I peered up at the sky through his windshield as he drove towards the hospital where the doctor's office also was. "And if we do get a storm, you're not leaving me alone in the house...just so you know" I stated with a mischievous grin on my face as I leaned over the center console to kiss Brian's neck. "Oh yea? Why is that? Is my baby girl afraid of thunderstorms?" he crooned to me as we sat at a red light in town. I batted my eyes heavily at Brian and pulled on a cute face as I angled my body towards him more, my cleavage on full display. "Sort of" I stated with a small smile on my face as I watched Brian's eyes drop down to my chest. "You will stay with me won't you?" I pleaded in my full southern accent as Brian pulled into the hospital parking lot a moment later. Brian shut off the ignition and leaned over the center console to cup my face in his hand "You know I will so stop turning me on by pulling your cute southern belle routine" he groaned softly before kissing me quickly and exiting the car.

I snickered to myself as we walked up to the hospital and through the doors, I knew damn good and well by now what would happen once we got to my house and the thoughts of that alone kept me from flinching as the doctor proficiently removed all the sutures and deemed the foot completely healed and good to put full weight on. I thanked him for his quick work and apologized once again for being such a baby the night he stitched me up earning me a laugh as he handed me a sucker "Well this time you were a good kid!" he chuckled before walking me back to the waiting room where Brian sat waiting, his legs jiggling impatiently. "Ready babe?" he stated with a smile as he came up out of his chair and took my hand. Sure enough as soon as we walked outside the rain had started and the thunder was rumbling off in the distance making me squeal excitedly as we ran full force out to his car. We both threw ourselves into our seats and laughed at how soaked we got in the process while trying to wipe our faces dry at least. Brian suddenly reached across the car and grabbed my face, kissing me heavily in the process as the storm picked up its intensity. "Mmm, you taste good" he murmured against my lips a moment later after he slowly pulled back from me, leaving me breathless in the process. I smiled as I felt my face flush at his words and hid behind a curtain of hair as he pulled out of the parking lot and headed towards my parents' house.

When we finally arrived ten minutes later the rain was coming down almost sideways and the wind was horrendous as we took off running full bore for the front door, laughing like idiots as we crashed through the door and soaked the floor with our wet clothes. "Well shit baby, now what?" Brian laughed as he stood there on the tile, soaking wet as he locked the door behind him. The devil came over me and I stripped all my clothes off till I was in my bra and undies in front of him. "Get naked so I can wash our clothes and get them dry, that's what" I smiled demurely at him as his eyes roamed all over my body. Brian snapped to a second later and quickly shed everything but his boxers before handing over his wet clothes to me, a wicked grin on his face the whole time. "I'll be right back Brian, I'm just gonna go start the washer" I stated over my shoulder as I headed off towards the laundry room. By the time I got done loading everything in and headed back out to the front door Brian was not where I left him. "Brian?" I called out in the empty house as I back tracked towards the stairs to see if he went up to my room "In here baby" I heard him call out from the huge living room. I smiled as I stepped down into the living room and saw he had the gas fireplace going, his hair still very much wet from the rain. I pulled a huge throw off the back of the couch before sitting down next to Brian on the floor in front of the fireplace, wrapping us both up in the blanket at the same time.

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