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      5 a.m. came too quickly and Brian just about had to kick me out of his bedroom in order to get me back to my parents' house in time before anyone noticed. "Go on baby, I'll see you in a couple of hours at school okay? Get home before your parents find out you were with me all night and they really murder me" he whispered before kissing me quickly and releasing me to climb back out his window. All too soon I was climbing back in my window and while I was tired from the lack of normal sleep I was happy I had successfully snuck out to Brian's house for the night and vowed I would do it again. I quickly got dressed before heading downstairs for some quick breakfast before my parents became suspicious of where I was. As I sat down at the kitchen island I could hear mom and dad talking about another upcoming trip they would be taking when suddenly dad turned to me and smiled "How about coming with princess? There are lots of things to see in New Orleans that will keep you entertained while we're at meeting and such. I think you should come along" he stated with what I knew was almost an order; time to put an end to this right now I thought as I smiled sweetly at dad. "No daddy I'll be okay here, I really don't want to go" I stated with a big smile. Dad frowned and shook his head "Callie I think it will do you some good to get away from Brian for a bit. You're too attached to him" he gruffed.

      Immediately I tensed myself for a fight as I stood up and grabbed my book bag from the counter "Brian is my hu-boyfriend and he makes me happier than I've ever been! I'm NOT GOING!" I yelled theatrically before storming out of the house and slamming the door behind me. I had almost slipped and called him my husband but thankfully caught myself in time

      "I'm not going! I don't care what he says!" I snapped out loud as I started walking towards school, completely forgetting to wait for the guys as was our normal routine.

      "GEORGIA! HEY GEORGIA WAIT UP!" I heard Jimmy bellow out behind me as him and Brian both came jogging towards me.

      "Whoa baby what's wrong?" Brian asked as his smile dropped into a frown and he took hold of my hand.

      I quickly relayed what happened between dad and I as we walked on towards the high school making Brian sigh heavily and pull me in to his side as we walked through the doors.

      "Maybe you should just go baby, just to make him happy" he said gently as I popped open our locker.

      I stomped my heeled, knee high boot down on the floor angrily and flung my hair around my shoulder "I DON'T WANT TO GO!" I bit out like a spoiled brat making Brian instantly laugh and pull me in to him.

      "Okay baby okay, don't go...I mean I don't really want you to go for the weekend either. I was just thinking about making your dad happy" he said softly.

      "Why should I?! He doesn't care about what makes me happy! I'm NOT going!" I stated with determination as the first warning bell rang.

      "Come on Jimmy, I don't want to be late for homeroom" I snipped and without a further glance at Brian I grabbed Jimmy's hand and dragged him along with me, my mood now completely sour. I hadn't meant to get in a fight with Brian or bite his head off but I just couldn't seem to help it.

      All through History and Math I was in a foul mood partially because of my fight with dad this morning and partially because of how snotty I was towards Brian, so foul was my mood that by the time lunch arrived I figured Brian wouldn't even be there because of how nasty I was towards him. I sighed with relief as I spied Brian's dark head of hair next to Jimmy's at our table making me both happy and nervous to approach him all at once, I had been so damn snotty to him and he didn't deserve it! Finally near the table I stood nearer to Jimmy, unsure if I should sit down in my usual spot or if I should just go to the library for the period. Brian finally lifted his face to me and slid over slightly, giving me room to sit where I usually did; still I stood next to Jimmy as a nervous lump filled my throat, "Brian...I...I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that" I said quietly as I hung my head, unable to meet his gaze and to keep my tears hidden. Everyone at our table sat in complete silence, waiting to hear Brian's response but I couldn't manage to stand there any longer, I opened my mouth to say something further but my tears choked my throat and I stumbled off towards the doors to the school so I could take refuge in the library.

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