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                “My beautiful baby girl is all grown up! I can’t believe it!” Daddy crooned proudly as I came down the stairs in a cute white sundress, my graduation cap and gown on my arm along with my high honors sash that I was given on the last day of school. I smiled at daddy and shook my head at his sentimental words “Daddy stop!” I giggled as he helped me into my white gown before tucking the sash around my neck in a very proud manner while momma pinned my cap to my head, taking care to not ruin my curls as she did so. “Come on let’s get going!” I stated impatiently once everything was in place on me, both momma and daddy laughed at my impatience as they gathered up the cameras and tissues for momma. “Yes dear we know! You want to get there early so you can see Brian!” she chortled as we climbed into the car and headed towards the school. I sat on the edge of my seat the short ride there and as soon as daddy had the car parked I was out the door and on my search for Brian but among the sea of white and orange it was not an easy task and I was quickly becoming irritated…that is until a pair of long arms shot out around me and twirled me in a hug. “JIM JAM!” I laughed happily as Jimmy hugged me to him, his gown nowhere in sight. “Come on! I spotted your lover boy over this way with mom and dad!” he chuckled as he took my hand and led me over to his family who sure enough were talking with Brian’s family…most of which I had never met and suddenly shrank behind Jimmy from.

                Brian spotted Jimmy and I a second later and came over, his orange gown in place but not zipped as he hugged Jimmy tightly before pulling me into him and kissing me over and over again. “I’m so proud of you baby girl…my smart lil Georgia” he teased as he straightened out my high honors sash before taking me by the hand and pulling me over to the crowd of family members. I of course knew Brian Sr, Suzy and McKenna but didn’t recognize any other family members as Brian began introducing me in rapid fire succession to all his family. “Brian you told me she was pretty but I think you down played!” his grandpa teased as he shook my hand and smiled at me. I blushed deeply as I shook his hand, spurring his dad to tease me mercilessly about my flushed cheeks. “Son leave her be! Good lord you just never grown up do you!” his grandma teased as she shot his dad a dirty look before hugging me tightly as if she had known me all along. My parents had made their way over by now so introductions had to be made again, the rest of the gang somehow finding their way over to us one by one till we eight stood together in picture perfect unison. Soon enough it was time for us to line up and unfortunately that meant we had to line up alphabetically, not a one of us sitting by each other. Brian gripped my face quickly to place a few, lasting pecks to my lips before getting into his spot in line so we could begin the long tedious march down to our seats.

                The ceremony seemed to drag by forever as different classmates and faculty members gave speeches till they finally stated they would now be calling each student up individually to receive their diploma. Yet again it seemed to take forever and while they asked us to not hoot and holler as the students received their diplomas we still did, the guys being loud and crazy as I crossed the stage, my cheeks aflame with loving embarrassment. “YAY GEORGIA! WAY TO GO GORGEOUS!” they screamed as I made my way back to my seat, catching a wink from Brian as I walked back. Another hour and a half passed before they finally called the last student then with a loud booming voice from the principal “I NOW GIVE YOU THE HUNTINGTON BEACH HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1999! CONGRATULATIONS!” and with that there was pandemonium from us students as we tossed our caps in the air. I had just recovered what I thought was my cap when I felt Brian’s arms go around me in a vice like grip and kiss me fiercely and happily as the crowd noise level rose considerably. “We did it babe! Just think, soon enough we’ll be on our own, you and I. And we can have all the wild crazy sex we want” Brian mumbled happily in my ear as he hugged me to him. “Alright you two! Turn around and face me!” I heard his dad bellow happily from behind me. I smiled up at Brian as he rolled his eyes with a smirk plastered to his face and turned us towards his dad, his arms still completely around me with his graduation cap in his hand.

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