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      September gave way to October and in between school, Brian's work schedule and my dance times we were hard pressed to find time to spend together for more than an hour or two which of course left no time for sex so by the time the first weekend in October rolled around I was becoming rather grouchy about it and started biting everyone's head off...including poor Jimmy who kept teasing me one Friday morning before school. "Jimmy I really love you to death, you're a best friend of mine but I swear to god if you poke me one more time with your damn drumstick I'm going to snap it in two!" I griped as I yanked out my Math book and watched as it fell to the ground with a 'SLAP'! "URGH!" I cried out angrily as Jimmy tried desperately to not laugh at me. "Here Georgia, allow me" he said with a smirk and quickly picked up my book and handed his drumstick to me "Go ahead and snap it if it will make you lighten the fuck up" he teased and stood back laughing as I tried with all my might to break his drumstick in half. "ARGH!" I wailed angrily as I thrust his drumstick back into his chest and yanked my book from him "Why do you have to be so fricking annoying?! And be cute enough to get away with it!" I whined dramatically and stomped my foot which in turn made Jimmy laugh even louder. "Oh Georgia I love you!" he exclaimed happily and hugged me around my shoulders "Seriously though, why are you so grouchy? This isn't like you" he said softly as he flipped my ponytail around "You and Brian aren't having problems are you?" he asked with almost fear in his voice. "No Jimmy...we'd have to be together for more than an hour to have problems" I grumbled softly as the first warning bell went off...Brian still hadn't shown up for school making me sad and frustrated all in the same breath.

      "Oh...OH!" Jimmy said with dawning realization on his face as he cackled before hugging me again "You haven't gotten laid have you?! That's it isn't it?!" he giggled as he pulled me towards homeroom. Sadly I flopped down in my seat and pouted at the fact that I hadn't seen Brian this morning and would now have to wait till lunch before seeing him. "Yea that's part of it" I admitted to Jimmy as I pulled my Math book out and tried to study but to no avail, nothing was making any sense to me. I trudged through History and Math quietly, brooding in my own thoughts and misery so when I felt Brian's arms sneak around me after walking out of Math class I jumped in surprise and threw my arms around his neck happily. Brian chuckled softly and hugged me super tight to him "Hi baby" he whispered in my ear before tipping my head back to kiss me. "Thank god!" Zack exclaimed as we started walking towards lunch "Dude she has been such a sour puss since this morning! Take her home and fuck her brains out already would you!" Zack griped before shooting me a wink and a smirk. "ZACK!" I exclaimed "You jerk!" "What?! It's true! You were such a pill this morning don't even deny it!" he exclaimed with a laugh as we walked back to our table.

      "Thank god you're here dude!" Jimmy exclaimed as soon as he saw Brian with me "Fucking straighten her out and make her happy would you?! She's been rotten!" he teased as we sat down next to him. Brian wrapped his arms around my waist as he sat next to me and tugged me in between his legs as he straddled the bench seat "Awe baby were you grouchy? I'm sorry we haven't had much time together...I miss you" he whispered the last part in my ear and nuzzled my neck shooting jolts straight down to my groin. On sheer instinct I groaned softly and pulled his head down to mine and began kissing him probably a little deeper than I should have because all of the sudden I felt Jimmy toss his jacket over our heads "Gross you two! People are trying to eat here!" he laughed. Brian slid his hand up my neck to cup my chin in his hand and kissed my lips in a pecking manner over and over again. " taste so good baby...your lips make my dick so hard" he groaned quietly in my ear making me moan softly against his neck. " you have to work this weekend? Please tell me you don't..." I whined as we pulled Jimmy's jacket off our heads finally and tossed it back at him. "They want me to work Saturday but I can probably get out of it, why baby what's up?" Brian asked as he stuffed food in his mouth. "Duh dude! Her parents are going out of town! She wants to rape you!" Jimmy cackled loudly making me punch him playfully "Shut UP Jimmy! GOD!" I teased with a smile before turning back to Brian and smiling coyly at him. "So? Can you get out of working or no?" I asked quietly "Let me ask my boss tonight okay baby? I have to work a few hours after school again" he said cautiously causing me to frown and sigh heavily "Okay" I mumbled sadly. "Hey...come on baby, don't be sad okay?" Brian crooned softly in my ear making the other guys roll their eyes and gag. "I love you" he said softer still as he trailed his finger along my jawbone before kissing me lightly. "God you two are GROSS!" Matt teased with a dimpled smile as we got up and headed back in to the school.

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