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      I woke with the early morning sunrise and as tempting as it was to lay in bed with Brian and either wake him with morning sex or just wait till he woke up himself I decided to go downstairs and clean off the table and start breakfast. I giggled softly to myself as I slipped on a cute pair of underwear and pulled Brian's Pantera shirt on that I still had from our time at the beach before skipping down the stairs to start the morning. Before long I had the table gleaming and polished clean once again and breakfast underway on the stove when I finally heard movement from my room. "Well it's about time sleepy head" I purred cutely to Brian as he came shuffling into the kitchen still rubbing the sleep from his eyes and a cute, tired grin on his face.

     "Mmm...morning babe" he mumbled softly in my hair before kissing my temple "You made breakfast again I see." I leaned up to kiss Brian's cheek and nodded my head as I handed him a plate "Help yourself" I said sweetly then jumped as the doorbell rang out. "Who the hell..." I trailed off as I walked cautiously towards the door with Brian hot on my trail. I glanced into the peephole and grinned before yanking the door open "JIM JAM!" I exclaimed happily as I threw my arms around him in a huge hug. "Well good morning to you too Georgia!" he exclaimed happily as he caught me in the hug and squeezed me back "I see your man made it over last night" Jimmy said over my head before pulling Brian in with one arm for a lopsided hug.

      "Come in and eat breakfast! Let me just go throw on some shorts" I laughed happily as I yanked Jimmy inside and pushed him and Brian towards the kitchen "Baby get him a plate would you" I laughed before running up the stairs to yank on a pair of shorts. As I came back down the stairs the guys were just sitting down at the kitchen counter with heaping plates full of eggs, bacon, hash browns, ham and toast. "Damn Georgia if this is how good you cook all the time I may just marry you myself!" Jimmy cackled before shoveling food in his mouth. "Over my dead body" Brian said darkly with an evil grin on his face, pointing his fork at me he shot Jimmy a look "I told you dude, she is one thing I WON'T share with you...not like that" he laughed before shooting me a soft look. Jimmy just laughed with a mouth still very much full of food as he stood up and came over by me, after swallowing his mouthful of food he shot Brian a goofy grin and pulled me in to him "Dude I found her first" he teased then turned to me "What do you say Georgia, will you marry me?" he stated with the hint of laughter edging his words. "Oh Jimmy! What about Allie?!" I exclaimed in fake dismay as Brian glared at Jimmy "I'll marry you both!" he laughed as Brian came up off his stool and pulled me from Jimmy's arms and into him.

      "MINE!" he growled at Jimmy as he wrapped his arms possessively around me, Jimmy roared with laughter and hugged both Brian and I at the same time "I love you two! Seriously guys you are my life!" he said happily "I can't wait to see you guys get married!" he laughed as we resumed eating. "Getting a little ahead of yourself there aren't you Jimmy?" I teased lightly as I poured them glasses of orange juice "Nah, you guys will get married...mark my words. I know it without a doubt, you'll be stuck with this asshole the rest of your life" Jimmy joked as he pointed his fork at Brian who sat next to him. I smiled at Brian as I slid his glass to him "That doesn't sound so bad" I said softly with a grin, Brian's face softened as he leaned up and over the counter to kiss me quickly "Sound great to me" he said softly against my lips before winking at me. "Dude! Let's fucking do it!" Jimmy suddenly exclaimed loudly as he came up out of his seat towards us "Do what Jimmy?" I asked with confusion as Jimmy and Brian looked at each other, not saying a word but yet still hatching a plan together in their heads. "I bet I can get Angelo to do it for nothing, he owes me a favor anyways" Jimmy said lowly as he draped his arm across Brian's shoulders and turned their bodies away from me.

      "Um guys...what are we talking about here?!" I exclaimed with impatience as they huddled together and muttered quietly for a few minutes before they both turned back to face me with smiles on both their faces. Brian took my hands in his and suddenly dropped to a knee "Baby will you marry me?" he said softly as he stared up at me with all the love he had for me written across his face. My jaw dropped and I swear my heart quit beating for a couple of seconds "What?" I whispered in shock as Brian smiled brighter still "I asked you to marry me" he said warmly.

      My eyes started filling with tears as I stared at him then at Jimmy "But...we're...we're minors" I whispered in disbelief. Jimmy just shot me a sweet smile and leaned back on the countertop "Angelo won't care...he'll fudge the paperwork. He owes me a favor, like I said. So what do you say Georgia? You gonna say yes to the man on his knee?" Jimmy said lovingly as his eyes burned bright blue at us. My body swayed slightly as the urge to pass out consumed me but at the last minute I took a deep breath, smiled down at Brian and shook my head "Yes...oh my god my parents will KILL me but I don't care! Yes I'll marry you!" I squealed happily as Brian shot up off his knee and wrapped me in a huge hug as the tears fell from my eyes.

      I hugged Brian tightly as I shook with excitement while Jimmy picked up our cordless phone and made a quick phone call. Brian loosened his grip on me eventually to pull back so we could look at each other "Is this really happening? Are we really going to get married? At 16 and 17 years old?! Who does this?!" I giggled in disbelief as Brian stroked my cheek "It's happening, we're crazy in love and we're getting married!" he laughed loudly and spun me in a circle as he hugged me once again. A few minutes later Jimmy hung up the phone and clapped his hands loudly "Alright you two crazy love birds! We have a lot to do! Angelo said he can squeeze us in at 4 this afternoon but we have to drive to Tijuana Mexico which takes 2 hours. Allie is on her way over to help you get ready while lover boy and I go find some things quickly" he said with a smirk then before I could react differently him and Brian left the house in Brian's car for somewhere I wasn't clued in on. "Great now what?" I muttered cluelessly as I stood in the kitchen cleaning up the breakfast mess.

      About 10 minutes later the doorbell rang making me jump suddenly, I ran over and yanked open the door to find Allie standing there with a huge smile on her face "Good morning crazy lady!" she laughed "Grab as much money as you have and let's jet! We have a dress to buy, hair and make up to do and a ring to buy!" she giggled. Not giving my rational mind time to think I ran upstairs and grabbed my secret stash of money and crammed it all in my pocket before running back down the stairs where Allie stood patiently waiting. "Alright lady let's go get you married!" she laughed and pulled me out to her still running car. Fifteen minutes later we were parking in the parking lot of the nearest mall and practically rushing inside "Ooh let's check out this store! They always have super cute dresses at a reasonable price!" she gushed as she yanked me by the hand into the nearest clothing store and right towards the section that had dresses. We both began blindly pulling dresses off racks for me to try on while laughing about how silly this all was but how perfectly fitting and awesome it was. "Allie, you and Jimmy are going to be our witnesses' right? I mean I need someone there for me!" I exclaimed breathlessly as she pushed me in to a dressing room. "Of course I will girlie! Jimmy and I wouldn't miss it for the world! Now...find a dress while I find something more suitable to wear to a wedding!" she laughed in a pixie-like way before flitting away, leaving me to my own devices.

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