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      Soon enough we climbed back in the car to head home before it got too late, we stopped by a drug store long enough for me to drop off not only the film from my camera but the two disposable cameras I had from Disneyland in my purse before we headed the rest of the way home. Once inside we decided to order in Chinese food instead of me cooking and flipped through the many TV channels looking for something good to watch while we waited for the food to be delivered. I laid my head down against Brian's shoulder as he flipped lazily through the channels, so much had happened this weekend that had my heart smiling but at the same time I was sad for it to end, how on earth was I supposed to sleep in that bed alone I wondered? I was so quiet that when Brian told me he'd be right back because he had to use the bathroom he had to say it three times before I heard him.

Smiling I sat up and freed him from the couch "You okay baby?" he asked softly as he stood up and leaned down to kiss my forehead. I smiled and nodded my head "Perfectly fine" I said softly before shooing him towards the bathroom. A second later the doorbell rang and I finally had my moment to pay for something! Cackling like an idiot I pulled my money from my pocket and paid the delivery guy plus the tip right as Brian was coming out of the bathroom "Thank you!" I said quickly before shutting the door and scurrying into the kitchen with the bags of food. "You little shit! You paid for it didn't you?!" Brian shot me a stern look as I pulled plates and silverware out. I simply smirked at Brian and stuck my tongue out at him before turning to the bags to pull containers out. "You're naughty you know that?" Brian said hotly behind me as he wrapped his forearms around my waist and pulled me back into him hard "Whatever Brian, I can pay for stuff to ya know? You're always spoiling me anyways" I said sweetly as I pulled fortune cookies from the bag as well.

      Brian huffed under his breath before reaching for a cookie and snapping it in half "Now this is a fortune I can get on board with" he said warmly and held out his fortune for me to read "Your one true desire will always be yours, all you have to do is hold on to it" Lucky numbers: 7, 13, 21 and 99. I felt chills cover my body as I took Brian's fortune and placed it on the marbled countertop "Brian that is freaky" I whispered softly as I tapped my nail by the lucky numbers. "How so?" he asked softly "Well... three out of these four numbers are related to us" I said quietly as I turned in his arms to face him " in the day we met, twenty four is my birthday, November 21st, and 99...well that's our graduation year" I finished as we stared at each other. "Damn that is freaky" he whispered as he pulled me in tighter "Even freakier yet because the seven is my favorite number...and my birthday...July 7th..." he trailed off while leaning down to softly kiss my lips "See...we are meant to be" he murmured against my mouth, his words tickling my lips. I kissed Brian softly before turning back to the few cookies on the counter and quickly grabbed one "Let's see what mine says" I said with a smile as I snapped my cookie in half and pulled the small piece of paper out.

      "That which is lost to you will eventually return if you want it bad enough. Lucky numbers: 7, 15, 23, and 77" I read out loud "Well I don't know if I really like the sounds of this one" I said with a frown as I set it down on the counter next to Brian's fortune. "Maybe it's just saying that if we ever get separated it won't be for long" Brian mumbled softly as his fingers trailed up and down my arms "And look at the again is my favorite number, and fifteen...well that's the day we started dating" he said softly with a smile as he ran his fingers lightly over the bandage covering my tattoo. I smiled finally and looked back at the fortune "I don't know about the 23 but 77...that could represent your birthday, you, seven..." I trailed off at my silliness till Brian lifted my face with one finger and shot me a grin "See...we ARE meant to be together. Even if we get separated it won't be for long" he said gently. "But Brian...I don't want us to get separated!" I whined sadly as I lay my head against his chest. Brian chuckled softly under his breath and held me to him "Baby girl let's not worry about the what ifs okay? Let's just concentrate on the present...and presently I am starving!" he laughed and with that my melancholy state was gone as we dug in and piled our plates high with Chinese food before settling down to eat.

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