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The next morning came too damn fast and before I could even process it and properly have a pregnancy induced melt down, Brian was out the door to head to NYC for 2 days. I waved goodbye from the sidewalk in front of our condo while holding Pinkly until I couldn't see Jimmy's car anymore on the highway. Brian left his car with me in case I needed it or wanted to use it but I only worked a few blocks from our place so it seemed silly to drive that short of a distance. I threw myself into work today even though it was boring and mundane work answering phones, scheduling clients and doing paper and computer work, I even offered to stay late so the usual closing girl could go home early for once. "I just don't feel like going home to an empty place and I need as much money as I can get for our wedding so I don't mind staying late today" I told my boss when she gave me an odd look for sending the other gal home.

By the time I closed up with my boss it was nearing night time, grateful for the ride she offered me so I didn't have to walk home in the closing darkness. After waving goodbye and thanking her for the lift I headed into our condo and frowned sadly at the quietness swallowing me up, until Pinkly woke up and began yipping excitedly from in the kitchen, wanting to be released to run around free. I sat on the floor and played with Pinkly for a few minutes till my stomach growled at me, telling me to feed the growing child that was deep inside of me. Other than morning sickness and the crazy hormones I had no physical signs that I was pregnant and it was beginning to grate on my nerves for some reason. That night after eating a hearty dinner and taking a shower I stood naked in front of our floor length closet mirrored doors and stared at my body but my stomach remained completely flat and my breasts their normal C cup size. I frowned at my reflection before walking over to my desk and pulling the ultrasound scheduling card off my date book, sighing at the date as I looked at it. "May 25th 2005 at 9:00 a.m." I mumbled out loud to myself...that was the day we would hopefully find out what we were having, just a few days after we were scheduled to get back to the states from our honeymoon. "I hope you reveal yourself in there little one" I stated down to my stomach as I rubbed it lightly before sighing heavily and climbing into bed for the night.

The next day went pretty much the same way as the first day without Brian. I worked late again with my boss giving me another ride home. Pinkly and I cuddled on the couch while watching some random boring movie, just trying to pass the time until it was time to go to bed again although the night before was full of fitful and restless sleep. I was just about lulled into a light sleep when the phone rang next to me, startling me and making Pinkly bark in surprise as I shot up and grabbed the cordless. "Hello?" I mumbled sleepily. "Hiya baby" I heard Brian state softly a moment later, instantly making me smile as I sat up in the corner of the couch. "Hi babe!" I exclaimed happily "Gosh I miss you!" I babbled immediately making Brian chuckle softly "I miss you too, but good news is I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Are you ready for that?" "Oh Brian I'm beyond ready for you to be home! I hate sleeping alone." Brian laughed softly again as I heard his lighter flick before he inhaled deeply "So, you just miss sleeping with me huh?" he teased warmly, instantly making me grin and roll my eyes at him. "You know what I mean babe" I teased back as I shut off the TV and pulled Pinkly up into my lap. "No, I have no idea what you mean" he teased back making me grin like an idiot even more. "Brian you are a brat. You know I miss every single aspect of having you here" I scolded lightly, chuckling under my breath as I talked. "That's good angel, because I'm more than ready to come home and show you how much I miss you" he stated warmly, making my insides do flip flops almost immediately. We talked about how the press conference went and what all was going to happen in the next few months with the release of the CD before Brian sighed and stated he had to go so the rest of the guys could use the phone to call their girls as well. "Ok I guess it's only fair although I want to be selfish and keep talking" I pouted sadly as he told Jimmy to shut the fuck up, he would be off in a minute. "Hey come on baby, I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Just think of that when you go to sleep...I love you baby girl" he stated over Jimmy's loud obnoxious kissy noises. "Okay I will. I love you too Brian...and tell Jimmy to knock it off before I smack him" I laughed lightly then ended the call with Brian. "Well Pinkly, it's just you and me again" I stated down to her, giggling as I watched her head tilt from side to side as I talked as if she knew just what I was saying. "Don't worry though, he'll be home tomorrow afternoon. Then we'll have him all to ourselves again" I stated coyly as I thought of things to do with Brian...all which involved being naked and in bed.

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