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     I slowly woke up the next morning not sure if the night was a dream or not till I rolled over and saw Brian passed out asleep next to me, his bare back tempting me to kiss it but I resisted the urge as I slid out the other side of the bed, threw on my dance shorts and a tank top before sneaking downstairs to make breakfast before he woke up. Just as I was finishing up our omelets Brian came down the stairs fully dressed but bare foot and yawning loudly before stopping at the bottom of the stairs to smile at me "Well well well, what are you doing?" he asked as I finished the rest of breakfast and slid his plate towards him "Making breakfast of course silly" I laughed as he began devouring his plate of food. "So when we get married will you still cook like this for me?" he teased with a wink as he stuffed hash browns in his mouth "Oh yea sure! I'll even cook naked for you!" I teased back making him choke on his food. Brian pounded his fist into his chest a couple of time before smirking like hell at me "Well what the fuck are we waiting for?! Let's get married today!" he laughed. "But baby! I don't even have a ring yet!" I laughed back as I wiggled my ring-less finger at him, Brian's smile softened as he walked over and unhooked his Italian chain from around his neck before hooking it around mine "It's not a ring but it will do for now" he said softly then kissed me gently as I stood there baffled at what he just did.

"You know what Brian?" I said softly as we stood there in front of each other "What?" "I could easily love you forever" I said simply before standing up on tip toe to kiss him. "I'll hold you to it" he croaked out in a whisper before kissing me back softly but thoroughly while lifting me up on the counter. Never once did Brian break our kiss as he walked in between my legs and wrap them around his back while I threaded my fingers through his hair and pulled him in deeper for a kiss. The phone ringing broke the spell as I regrettably hopped down to answer it "Oh hi daddy...yes I'm nothing really. I'm going to have dinner with Brian's family tonight...yes daddy...I know daddy! Okay, I love you too."

I hung up the phone and turned to face Brian with a sheepish look on my face "Dad apparently thinks you're the big bad wolf and you're going to run off with me and he'll never ever see me again. He thinks you're going to deflower his little princess" I said softly with a smirk as Brian walked towards me and pulled me in to his chest "He's right though...I am going to run off with you, and I plan on deflowering you as soon as you give me the green light" he said darkly as he looked down at me with hungry eyes "Keep it up mister and you'll be deflowering me right here on the kitchen floor" I panted quietly as the hunger for him grew inside my stomach. Brian groaned and cupped my head to his chest "You make this so hard on me you know that? I am NOT going to make your first time on a cold tile floor; it has to be just right. So stop tempting me you little tease" he groaned with a smirk. "Well then, I guess we better arrange a time and place for this to happen because after last night I don't know how much longer I can wait" I panted softly as I reached down to firmly stroke his bulging shorts. Brian hissed softly and tried to pull his lower half away from my grip "There is no arranging it, when the time is'll know it in the mean time you're going to give me a major case of blue balls if you keep stroking me like that" he groaned painfully. I laughed at that and released my hold on him "Oh Brian! You're something else!" I teased as I leaned up to kiss his cheek before walking back into the kitchen. Brian laughed and smacked my ass as I walked by making me squeal happily "I have to get home so I can head to work this afternoon but I will be back around 5:30 to pick you up okay?" he said softly while holding me close. "Okay...I'll miss you" I admitted quietly. Brian smiled and leaned down to peck my lips softly "I'll miss you too...I'll see you this evening" he said with a wink then grabbed his bag and headed home.

Well since I have the day to myself I might as well make myself useful I thought and set about making homemade blueberry and apple pies to take to Brian's parents tonight. I wasn't really trying to show off but I was very nervous about meeting his family so I figured I had best make a good first impression and what better way to than with homemade pies? While the pies sat in the oven baking I headed upstairs to take a very thorough and relaxing shower but as soon as I stepped inside my shower stall the previous night's memories came flooding back. My cheeks flushed as my body responded to the mere memory of what occurred in here, suddenly I realized I couldn't wait much longer...I wanted to make love to Brian...BADLY! Brian was right in the sense that I wanted the place to be right but I knew the time was fast approaching, this feeling...this need had never entered my mind before whenever I was interested or dating a guy so while it still scared me the thrill, desire and want were quickly overtaking the fear I had.

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