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      Without realizing it we fell asleep together on the couch, still in our swimwear, Brian sitting up with his arm around me as I lay sleeping against his side, my face tucked into his neck and my arm across his stomach. "Callie...Callie...honey wake up" I heard mom whispering to me from what seemed like far away. I slowly woke up and saw both mom and dad standing there and immediately pulled away from Brian's side, terrified they would begin screaming at us but instead they just wore smug smiles. Brian came awake as soon as I yanked my body away from his, fear and embarrassment at being caught flashing across his face as we both began apologizing. Daddy however soothed my nerves by laughing and holding his hand up "Don't worry princess, you two fell asleep from what looks like a fun day in the pool. No harm, no foul" he stated, making me so relieved I jumped up and hugged him.

      Brian still seemed slightly embarrassed and yanked his nearby shirt down over his head before mumbling something about going to get dressed. "Did I scare you two that much?" daddy questioned as he watched Brian retreat to the bathroom. "Is there something you two are hiding?" he started to question but mom thankfully stepped in before either of us lost our tempers. "Wyatt stop it, they're just nervous because they both know how you can get and admit it, you were ready to rip them both a new one when you first came in here" mom chided gently as she smiled at me. Daddy grumbled under his breath before loosening his tie and shooting me a guilty smile "'re right Viv. I was ready to scream bloody murder" he admitted while glancing down at me. "Your momma was right though, you two were sleeping innocently enough, and on the couch. Now if it had been in the bed!" he exclaimed but both mom and I simultaneously yelled "WYATT!" "DADDY!" in exasperated tones making him chuckle loudly.

      "Alright my ladies ALRIGHT! I give up! I need to lighten up!" he laughed before kissing me on the forehead and telling me dinner was in an hour before him and mom went back into their room. I giggled as Brian came out of the bathroom looking on edge like he was waiting for daddy to beat him over the head or something. "No worries babe, daddy didn't flip out" I stated with a happy grin before heading into the bedroom to get dressed for dinner.

      We spent our last night in New Orleans at an upbeat, Jazz infused restaurant where we were all able to unwind and have a good time, daddy cutting jokes that actually made us laugh instead of cringe and Brian teasing me with the head of the lobster he was eating. Daddy was in such a good mood and slightly intoxicated that when we arrived at our rooms he told me that I could sleep on the couch with Brian tonight "With pajamas on of course!" he laughed as I squealed excitedly and hugged Brian's side. "Duh daddy!" I teased before quickly dressing in my cutest pajamas. I saw a slight frown cross daddy's face as I came out of my bedroom and he glance at what I was wearing. "Don't you have something a little less...provocative?" he grumbled as he glanced over at Brian for his reaction. Brian thankfully was busy pulling the bed out of the couch and kept his face hidden from daddy by turning his back to us. "Wyatt she's's just a t-shirt and shorts" mom soothed as she came over and kissed my forehead in a good night gesture. "But they're so clingy" he grumbled further as mom pulled him into their room. "Wyatt stop it, she has a woman's body now...and there's nothing that can be done about that" I heard momma say before their door closed behind them.

      I turned back towards Brian and smiled happily as he tossed pillows up on the bed before stripping his shirt off and yanking open his belt. "Why is your dad so freaked out by your pajamas? Those are the most conservative ones I've seen on you yet" he laughed as he stepped out of his shorts and pulled on basketball shorts over his boxers. "I know right!" I laughed as Brian shut off the light, leaving the room in almost sheer darkness; the nightlight from the bathroom as our only light. "It's a good thing daddy doesn't know I'm going commando then...he'd really flip out!" I teased as we crawled under the covers. "Wait! What did you just say?!" Brian exclaimed as he froze, half on his side, half on his back. "I said..." I cooed softly as I came up over him and pulled his hand up and over onto my ass "I'm going commando tonight Brian" I finished purring hotly in his ear before lying down on his chest.

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