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Thankfully the next couple of weeks flew by before our short Thanksgiving break came up. I caught Brian up to speed in Biology and helped him keep his B+ average while Brian kept me from doing badly in Spanish. The guys practiced like mad for a gig they actually had coming up a couple of days after my birthday, making me super excited and nervous for them all in one shot. "It's nothing great but it's a start and we gotta start somewhere" Matt huffed out one day after they got done practicing in his parents' garage. "I for one, can't wait to see you guys perform in front of people. I'll be cheering you on of course" I stated happily as I sat down next to Zoe on the old van bench seat propped up against the wall. "Girl we should totally make up t-shirts to wear! You know with their name on it and stuff!" she exclaimed excitedly as we began planning along with Allie and Zack's girlfriend.

Later on that night after we all said our goodbyes and started walking home Brian asked what I wanted to do for my birthday which was right around the corner. "Oh, I don't know...I don't really care Brian as long as we get to hang out..." I trailed off, trying to think of something we could do together as a couple that would be fun. "I know! How about we go ice skating?!" Brian exclaimed with a bright smile on his face as we waited at a crosswalk. "Ice skating? In California?!" I laughed at the idea as we jogged across the street and continued walking toward my house. "Yes in California!" he teased while pulling me hard into his side and walking this way, his arm around my waist. "We have indoor rinks here sweetness so we can ice skate inside then come outside and surf!" he laughed as we climbed the steps to my parents' house. "Okay then that's what I want to do. Let's go ice skating...although you'll probably spend more time picking me up off the ice" I teased as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in close. "That's fine by me, it will give me an excuse to touch you" he stated with a wink before tipping my chin up to kiss me sweetly on the lips. "Shall we go Saturday? Or do you parents have plans for you?" he murmured. This time it was my turn to smile brightly as I draped my arms over his shoulders and twined my fingers through his short black hair. "They claim Sunday because they have to fly back to Georgia for some sort of legal documents so they're going Saturday morning and won't be back till Sunday afternoon" I stated with a hint of coyness in my voice hoping he would catch my drift; he did. Brian smirked like the devil and tugged me into him by the hips. "So does that mean I get to spend Saturday with you, into Sunday morning?" he mumbled against my forehead. "It least you better spend all day Saturday with me, or I will be very sad" I stated dramatically with a full pouty lip as I batted my eyes innocently at Brian.

Brian roared with laughter as he squeezed me tightly before nipping my bottom lip lightly with his teeth "Knock it off baby, it's too cute when you pout and it makes me horny as fuck" he stated in a low gravelly voice, his eyes darkening even in the evening light. I giggled softly to myself as I tucked my face under his chin, determined to remember that in case I needed to win him over in the future. "Well you need to save that horniness for my birthday because I want lots and lots of birthday sex" I gushed breathlessly, craning my neck up to gauge his reaction. "Ugh Christ woman are you trying to make it fall off?!" he groaned as he readjusted himself one handed. "Nope, just giving you something to look forward to" I teased before leaning up to kiss him quickly one more time and head into the house before daddy came looking me. "Fucking tease" I heard Brian chuckle as he jumped down the steps and into the fading light.


"Princess are you SURE you are okay with us leaving overnight? I mean since it's your birthday weekend and all" dad questioned again for the umpteenth time while packing his and mom's suitcases into the truck of the Mercedes. "Daddy I'm fine! Really! I'm gonna hang out with the guys and their girls then Brian and I are going ice skating" I stated with a smile as I handed him the last of their luggage. "Okay darlin if you're sure then" dad stated with hesitation "We'll call you when we land in Georgia and then again before we're ready to head home. Don't expect us back much before 2:00 p.m. or so" he finished as him and mom slid into the car and with a wave and a kiss goodbye they were gone. I stood on the sidewalk where I had waved goodbye to them but looking towards Jimmy's house solely. Sure enough, a few seconds later Brian peeked his head out the door, I gave him the thumbs up sign and chuckled to myself as he came jogging down the sidewalk towards me, his overnight bag in hand and a devilishly cute smirk on his face. "Baby today is going to be so amazing, we are going to have such a good time" he stated against my forehead before pulling me towards the house. We were both laughing excitedly as we came through the front door and with a coy little cackle I took off running up stairs to my bedroom, Brian hot on my heels, laughing as he came chasing after me. "Get back here gorgeous!" he yelled happily as he came in the room after me, stopping short as I stood next to my bed, crooking my finger at him. "Well, well, well...what do we have here?" he stated warmly as he pulled his shirt up and over his head while walking to me. "I get what I want on my birthday right?" I purred up at him while slowly unbuttoning my cute button up shirt and batting my eyelashes at him. " can have whatever you want baby girl" he growled hotly while sliding my shirt off my shoulders before popping open the front clasp of my bra.

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