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     It seemed like in no time Matt was pulling up to the curb half way in between Jimmy's house and mine to let us out. I thanked everyone for the great day and hugged Jimmy tight again "Thanks for my bracelet Jim Jam" I said with a smile "You bet Callie" he said making me give him a second look "Whoa you used my name!" I exclaimed with a laugh. Jimmy cackled and winked at me "Gotta keep you on your toes Georgia!" he exclaimed before setting off towards his house with Allie next to him. Brian walked me up to the door before handing me the goodies I got at the fair today "I'll be back in about half an hour okay?" he said gently while leaning against the door frame. I nodded my head and smiled "Okay...I'll leave the front door unlocked. What do you want for dinner?" Brian smiled and shrugged his shoulders at me "I don't care, I'm not picky...surprise me. Do you want me to bring anything?" I just shook my head and leaned in to kiss him "I'll see you in a little bit then?" I mumbled softly. Brian gave me one of his beautiful smiles and nodded his head "In a little bit" and with that he walked off towards home.

As soon as he was on the other side of the street I flew upstairs and straightened up my bedroom as best as I could, putting my glass horse next to Jimmy's drum sticks, my purple bear on the middle of my bed and our first pictures together up against my night stand lamp before rushing back downstairs to find something to make for dinner. Luckily there were some steaks thawed out in the fridge so I set about making baked potatoes, fresh green beans while the steaks marinated in a mixture of garlic salt, steak seasoning and a little bit of Italian dressing. While I was prepping my homemade garlic bread Brian walked in through the front door and shot me a smile that shot straight to my gut making me weak kneed as I sent him a smile back "Lock the door behind you please" I said softly as I slid the bread in the oven next to the baked potatoes. I took the steaks outside to the grill while Brian set his stuff down before coming outside by me "You're spoiling me I see. I love steak" he said softly as he grasped my hips while I stood at the grill. "Brian can you go turn the potatoes in the oven? Just flip them over please" I asked a moment later, Brian kissed the back of my head before going inside to do as I requested. I held my hand up and noticed it was shaking considerably from nerves "God get a grip girl" I muttered to myself as I set the heat to medium low and closed the lid before heading inside.

"Taters are flipped" he stated with a wink while leaning against the center kitchen island. I gave him a smile as I washed my hands before checking on the garlic bread once more. "Baby girl don't be nervous" Brian said suddenly behind me making me startle at his nearness "I can't help it Brian, I don't know what's going to happen tonight and it flusters me" I admitted while chewing my bottom lip. Brian pushed off the counter to pull me into his chest "Nothing is going to happen unless you want it to. I love know that right?" he said gently as he held my face in his hands. "I know...but what if we start, you know, messing around and I think I want to and I chicken out?!" I whined desperately as my fear kicked up again. "Baby stop! I'm not going to take things further than you want to so if you say stop then we'll stop. You worry way too much" he teased before kissing my forehead. I gave him a small smile and went outside to check the steaks while also giving me time to think and breathe properly.

Soon enough we were sitting down and eating dinner to which Brian exclaimed was the best dinner he had had in a very long time "Damn baby you're an amazing cook!" he praised with a smile and a wink as he chewed his steak happily. Once dinner was done he helped me clean up the mess by putting food away in containers while I readied the dishwasher; finally the kitchen was spotless once again leaving us to head into the living room to watch TV. We settled on some random movie before long and sank back into the couch to cuddle. Before long the TV was forgotten about as we started kissing, softly and gently at first but then it grew more heated, more passionate, and more desperate as we pushed against each other for dominance and our tongues danced erotically. Slowly I somehow managed to pull back from Brian's embrace and kisses "Come take a shower with me?" I said softly in a shaky voice "Are you sure?" he croaked hoarsely as his eyes darkened. I wordlessly stood up and held my hands out to him with a small smile on my face "I'm sure" I finally whispered out as he took my hands and stood his full height next to me "You know we have to get naked for that right? Together..." he groaned out softly as he pulled on the end of my braid lightly "I know Brian...this is me taking the next step around the bases" I shuddered deliciously at the thought now as I pulled him up the stairs and into my room to start the shower up. I grabbed an extra towel for Brian from the closet before pulling him into the bathroom with me and slowly began unbraiding my hair while we stared each other down wordlessly. I could see Brian's chest was heaving but I'm sure mine was worse as I finally freed my hair and let it loose completely, I started to pull my tube top off but Brian pulled me towards him and grabbed the bottom hem of my shirt "Let me undress you...please?" he whispered hoarsely.

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