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Before I realized it, our wedding was right around the corner and Brian kept threatening to take me to the doctor for some sort of tranquilizers if I didn't calm down and quit freaking out about nothing in general. I made list after list of things that needed to be done before the wedding and for the wedding, then color coordinated them and made copies just in case I lost one set of lists. "Baby stop!" Brian exclaimed one night as I frantically tore through my wedding binder looking for a list I had made up of stuff that was already done. "I can't stop Brian! It has to be here somewhere! If I don't find it I'm screwed! We might as well call the wedding off! I can't do this!" I sobbed as I flopped down on the couch with my binder clutched to my chest. Brian sighed heavily and pulled the binder from my arms before kneeling in front of me, wedging himself in between my legs as he did so. "Baby girl QUIT! The list is right here!" he stated wearily as he pulled the list from the bridal magazine I had sitting next to me. I sighed a huge sigh of relief and placed pecking kisses all over his face before scanning the list over at least six times in rapid succession. And if I hear you say just ONE more time that you're going to call this wedding off I swear I will lose my goddamn mind" he stated tiredly as he lifted my face back up to his. "I'm sorry Brian" I mumbled sadly, averting my eyes from his soul-penetrating brown ones. "I just want everything to be perfect and I feel like something is going to go wrong somewhere and it will be all my fault that it went wrong and I don't want that!" I began babbling on and on until Brian put his hand over my mouth firmly.

"Georgia I swear to god" he muttered, I knew when he used my nickname that Jimmy gave me from high school he usually meant business or he was trying to get a rise out of me...this time I knew he meant business as he kept his hand in place over my mouth. "Everything is all set and taken care of. You have gone over these lists with me, with your dad, with your mom, with Allie, with Zoe, with Gena, with Mac...WITH EVERYONE! I promise everything is all taken care of! Our plane tickets are all right there in that shoe box" Brian stated as he nudged his head over to the shoe box on top of the entertainment stand where indeed all the plane tickets were housed. "You and I and our wedding party will fly to Italy 2 days before the wedding, the rest of our guest and our parents will be there the same time. All our luggage is packed...your wedding gown is in a safe, travelling bag as is my tux. Rings are safe with Jimmy and Allie. Photographer, caterer and venue have all been confirmed and triple checked. Pinkly is being taken care of by the breeder who still has her birth mom there so she'll have plenty of puppy play time. Our passports are all set, marriage license is with all the paperwork we need. Our honeymoon stuff is taken care of...what more do you need?" he finally finished with exhaustion. Immediately I felt bad for acting like such a spaz and told him as much, deflating and laying my forehead against his as I willed myself to calm down. "I'm sorry Brian, I'm such a mess. I didn't mean to annoy you so much with my craziness" I stated sadly. Brian sighed heavily and lifted his head to kiss my forehead long and soft. "Angel it's okay...I just wish you would relax and see that all is taken care of. You're going to make yourself sick...and you don't want that when this is going to be the best time of our lives. Plus it could make the baby a nervous wreck" he chuckled softly as he gently palmed my still flattened stomach. I scowled slightly and looked down where his hand lay and sighed deeply. "I swear I don't feel pregnant Brian...I'm not even showing!" I started to whine but Brian shot me a look that made me shut up immediately.

"Trust me, you are pregnant. We heard the heartbeat remember? And just so you know, most women don't start showing until their third or fourth month" he stated rationally, making me lift my eyes in question to his knowledge of pregnancy. Brian shot me a cute little smirk before kissing the tip of my nose "Yea I got bored the other night and started flipping through your pregnancy book. That's also how I know that all these wacko emotions and crazed ideas of yours tell me you're pregnant. No sane woman would act like this...especially my Georgia peach" he finished off by teasing me and kissing me softly. I took three deep breaths and finally smiled at him "You're right Brian...again. GOD I HATE feeling like this! I know I'm not usually this irrational and crazy but I can't seem to stop myself! How are you going to put up with me till October?!" "Easy...I love you, you're going to be my wife and the mother of my child and I wouldn't change that for the word" he stated easily as he sat back up on the couch next to me and pulled me into his side. I took a few more calming breaths before leaning into Brian's side and yawning heavily, exhaustion sneaking up on me all of the sudden. "Thank god I have you Brian" I mumbled sleepily before I dropped off into dream land against his warm, protective body.

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