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      After taking a nice long shower and covering my body with lotion I began scouring my closet for something nice to wear tonight. I didn't want to appear too flashy but nor did I want to appear under I wanted to dress nicely for Brian. I finally decided on a knee length, pencil style black skirt with a slit in the back and a low cut black tank top with cute ruffles going down the middle of the shirt. I curled my hair in soft, loose curls before applying just a hint of make up to my face. Slipping in to my black heels I stared at my reflection and smiled, I looked way beyond my age of just 16 and I had a sneaking feeling that Brian would like this look on me. Daddy still hadn't said anything about my thin band of diamonds on my ring finger and I wasn't quite sure what to tell him but I decided to cross that bridge when I came to it.

      I walked downstairs after finishing up in my room to find my parents in casual dressy attire and I immediately felt myself relax a little more, I half expected daddy to wear a three piece suit to dinner but thankfully he chose khaki's and a black polo shirt with his brown loafers, sure his clothes were expensive still but he didn't look the part of intimidating lawyer tonight. Dad smiled at me as I came in to the kitchen and kissed my forehead "Where on earth did my little girl go? You look far too old to be a mere 16 tonight" he said softly as we headed out to the car.

       We arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes later and as soon as we walked in to the waiting area I spotted Brian and his family. McKenna came skipping over to me without hesitation in a pretty pink dress with a flower at her waist "Hi Callie! Can you braid my hair?" she chirped happily as she held out a hair tie for me. I laughed and took the hair tie from her "Sure I will McKenna but let me introduce my parents to your parents first okay?" I told her as Brian and his parents came closer. "Daddy...this is Mr. and Mrs. Haner. Mr. and Mrs. Haner...these are my parents, Wyatt and Vivian." My parents shook hands with Brian's parents and Brian Sr. laughed and told them to call them Brian and Suzy before they introduced McKenna to my parents. McKenna waved and said hi to them but she was more interested in me braiding her hair. Brian came to my side and slid his arm comfortably around my waist "You look really great tonight, definitely don't look 16" he teased softly while squeezing me to him softly.

      I smiled shyly at his compliment and leaned in to kiss his cheek "Well thank you, you look rather handsome tonight and definitely not 17" I teased softly as I surveyed Brian's look. He wore actual black dress pants tonight, not just black jeans and a silky soft, almost stretchy like white shirt that hugged his body in a rather enticing way neatly tucked into his pants and he smelled good enough to eat! Dad looked over at us standing together and shook his head "Hard to believe they're teenagers standing there like that" he stated to Brian Sr. Brian's dad just smiled and winked at us "They grow up too fast these days I tell ya. Pretty soon they'll be getting married and having kids...then the real fun begins!" he teased as he lightly cuffed daddy's shoulder. I laughed to myself as I watched dad's face pale for a second before he regained his composure and shook his head.

      "Well hopefully she has quite a few years before that happens" he said evenly with a smile. Brian nudged his nose into my hair and whispered in my ear "If he only knew we are already half way there...Mrs. Haner." Immediately I blushed and laughed softly "Brian quit! This dinner is supposed to relax daddy...not give him a heart attack!" I giggled. Finally a hostess led us back to a secluded table overlooking the ocean and the beginnings of a beautiful sunset; Brian without even batting an eye claimed the two seats across from each other next to the window as ours and pulled out my chair for me to sit in before taking the chair across from me. I watched daddy assess this out of the corner of my eye and smiled inwardly when a smile spread across his face. "That's quite the gentleman you've raised there Suzy" my dad stated as he held out moms chair for her while Brian Sr. held out Suzy's chair. "Brian? A gentleman? Nah, we gave up trying to teach him manners years ago...all that is your daughters doing" Brian Sr. stated proudly with a wink in my direction.

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