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          I awoke the next morning to a bright and sunny sky with warm summer breezes blowing through my window, I woke up so slowly that I had to sit and think if last night was a dream that is until dad came in dressed in a three piece business suit and the phone in his hand. "That Brian character called a little bit ago but I had phone calls to make so I told him you'd have to call him back" he grumbled as he handed me the phone and kissed the top of my head "I have to go into work today pumpkin, behave yourself for me" he said lovingly. "I will daddy, I'm just going to the beach with some friends" I said with a smile as I climbed out of bed and readied my beach bag for the day. "Hmph! I suppose Brian is going to be there too?" dad grumbled under his breath as he scowled at me "Yes daddy he is. He's a great guy, you should go easy on him" I said softly as I pulled my dark plum bikini out with the black lacy edges, short jean shorts and a strapless white flowing top. "I don't intend to go easy on ANY guy that has designs on my daughter! Especially these fast moving California guys!" he grumbled some more. I turned on my 'daddy's little girl' charm and gave him my biggest smile "Daddy" I said sweetly in my thick accent "I'll be fine, he's really good to me. I like him a lot daddy" I finished then kissed his cheek. Dad gave me a skeptical look then glanced at his watch "Well I wish I had time to sit and have a heart to heart with you but I'm afraid I'll be late but I am going to say careful princess. Don't move too fast...and don't let him either!" he instructed with a point of his finger before leaving me to get dressed.

I quickly got dressed and French braided my thick locks before slipping on my black flip flops and grabbing my beach bag "I'll see you some time this evening mom!" I yelled out as I pulled the front door shut behind me. I flopped down on the cushioned outdoor couch on the porch and waited for the guys to come by, I wasn't quite sure who was coming by so I just sat and waited to see one of the four guys appear. Soon enough I heard the guys' loud crazy voices coming up from the right side of the house a second before Matt, Brian, Zack, Zack's girlfriend and another small, dark haired girl appeared in front of my house "Come on Georgia!" Matt laughed as he waved towards me with a dimpled smile. I grab my bag hastily and restrained myself from running down the sidewalk towards Brian who was smiling softly at me. I pulled the gate shut behind me and smiled at the guys as well as the girls beside them "Georgia this is my on again off again girlfriend Zoe" Matt said with a smile as he put his arm around the tiny redhead next to him. She smiled at me and offered me a 'hello'. "My name is really Callie" I said with a laugh as I shot Matt a sarcastic look.

"Oh" Zoe laughed "I thought your name was really Georgia!" she giggled, I could tell her and I were going to get along well whereas Zack's girlfriends seemed threatened by me and didn't say much. "No I'm just from Georgia and the guys INSIST on calling me that" I laughed as I hoisted my bag onto my shoulder "Poor Brian...lone man out again without a girl" Zack teased "Even Jimmy's girl is gonna be there" he laughed. Brian simply smirked at Zack and wrapped his arm around my waist "Who says I don't have a girl?" Brian said nonchalantly then kissed me right smack on the lips in front of everyone. I turned shy and blushed after he released my lips from his while the guys gave him shit "Damn dude that was fast!" Zack laughed as he smacked Brian on the back "So are you guys a thing now?" Matt asked as he nudged me with his elbow. Brian laced his fingers with me and nodded his head "Yup, she's my girl...aren't you?" he said softly to me with a smile making me blush again. Just as I was about to say something Jimmy came running up to us and wrapped his arms around both Brian and I "Well good morning you two crazy love birds!" he cackled making me glance at Brian with a questioning look "I told him last night" he said quietly with a smile as a pretty brunette with a bright, smiling face came up to our group "Georgia this is my lady, Allie...Allie this is Georgia" Jimmy said with a bright smile. Allie waved to me and grinned "Cute name" she said with a laugh making me smack my forehead with my palm "Jimmy I have a name!" I laughed then explained the whole name/nickname thing again. "Are we gonna go to the beach or stand around talking all day?" Jimmy whined then pulled me alongside him with Allie on his other side "Let's walk...they'll follow eventually or I'll just have two gorgeous girls to myself all day!" Jimmy said loudly over his shoulder.

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