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A week has passed since Brian and I became a couple and it seemed like with each passing day he was consuming my every waking moment, whether physically, mentally or emotionally and as much as that scared me it thrilled and excited me too. As I got ready for school I looked over at my first present from him and smiled with flushed cheeks, the day after Brian came over to the house when my parents were gone I found a stuffed bear in our locker with a single white rose attached to it. The little note that was with it simply said "A pure rose for my're the honey to my bear" making me blush madly at the insinuation he made from that previous days fooling around. The bear sat proudly on my large desk while the rose was in the process of being pressed between a large heavy book for safe keeping; I had it so bad for Brian I think I was losing myself to him.

Finally, I was ready for school in my favorite short shorts and a yellow tank top, I all but ran for the front door because I knew Brian if not all the guys were out there waiting for me. Dad and I had our first argument the other night about my choice in friends; he saw the guys as immature and up to no good and feared I would follow down their path if I kept hanging out with them. We argued further with me yelling at my dad for the first time ever and storming away to my room, we hadn't really talked much since that episode and as much as that hurt me I wasn't going to back down from my feelings or what I had told him. I knew the guys well enough by now to know that they were the typical case of "don't judge a book by its cover."

I gave the guys a huge smile as I came down the steps of the house but it was Jimmy who hugged me first in a great big bear hug "Morning Georgia!" he exclaimed happily as I hugged him back just as tightly. "Morning Jim Jam!" I exclaimed happily before releasing him "Whoa somebody got frisky last night huh?!" I teased as I took note of the multiple hickeys all over his neck. Jimmy smiled and winked his blue eye at me "I'm telling you! She just can't keep her hands off me! I'm irresistible!" he teased as he looped his arm around my neck "Better watch out bro or Georgia here might be mine too before long!" he teased Brian as he pulled me in to his side and hugged me again. Brian smirked at Jimmy and shook his head "Dude...not even on a good day. She's the ONE thing I won't share with you" Brian said softly as he pulled me from Jimmy's arms and into his "Morning beautiful" he said gently before tucking his face into mine for a kiss. Brian's kisses always got to me immediately and I tended to lose myself in what was going on around me, that is until I heard my dad's voice from the front door bellowing "Callie Ann get your ass to school! If your grades slip so much as one percentage you'll find yourself grounded!"

I jumped from Brian's arms like someone shot me and while I glared back at my father for embarrassing me in front of the guys, my heart immediately sank in my stomach. The rest of the way to school I didn't say one word or crack one smile, I was too upset by my father's refusal to see that Brian made me happy, that the guys were the best friends I'd ever had. I started to trudge up the steps leading to the school but Brian pulled me back and nodded towards Jimmy "Dude she's skipping first period, we'll be in before second period starts" he told Jimmy then pulled me along after him even though I fought him every step "Brian I can't skip school! You heard my dad! He'll kill me!" I wailed theatrically as he tugged me by the wrist silently. Finally I gave up fighting and walked silently alongside him till we reached a thick patch of trees which he promptly pulled me deep into the middle of them. Finally Brian turned to face me and talk "Babe relax, there's no grade for homeroom and Jimmy is the creator of wonderful stories, he'll tell the teacher something that will get you excused. Now, as far as your dad goes...what are we going to do?" he said quietly as he stood in front of me, not touching me physically but touching me with his eyes alone. "What do you mean?" I asked as fear built in my gut, was Brian going to break up with me over this? I would never speak to my father again if that happened!

Brian quickly slayed any fears I had about losing him by pulling me into him and hugging me tight to his chest "I don't care what he says to me or about me, I'm not giving you up without a fight but I need to know if you're willing to help me fight him. I'm not asking you to go off on him or anything but if he starts talking shit are you going to defend me? Or leave me to defend myself? I guess what I'm getting at is, do you want me as bad as I want you?" he simply stated while holding me tightly. I closed my eyes and took deep calming breaths, inhaling his enticing scent before I spoke "I'll defend you with everything in me Brian, he can't tell me who to love" as soon as the dreaded 'L' word was out of my mouth I slapped my hand over my mouth and tore myself from his arms with a sob. I hadn't meant to let the word "love" slip past my lips until well after he said it first, if he ever said it but there it was out in the open for him to either take or run away from and the thought scared me more than it probably should have. I turned my back to Brian and struggled to compose myself but I still felt the tears welling up in my eyes and slide silently down my cheeks as Brian remained still and quiet behind me. Finally Brian neared me and turned me to face him but I kept my face down, hidden behind curtains of my hair. "Callie look at me" he said quietly but I shook my head 'no' and kept my face hidden, that's when I felt Brian's hands grasp my head and gently but forcibly lift my head till we were eye to eye.

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