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March quickly approached and with it was also my first doctors' appointment to see just how far along I was. Other than telling my parents we decided to keep the pregnancy a secret until we had more details about it. We did however tell the gang about getting married in the next month or so and asked each person respectively if they would be in the wedding. "Babe you were right" I stated one night after Brian came back from the studio "Zoe was totally stoked that I even asked her to be in the wedding! She told me to stop being so silly for thinking she would be offended at not being the maid of honor!" I laughed as I handed him a bowl of taco salad. "I told you" he laughed before cramming his mouth full of food. Momma and daddy were due to come out in the next couple of days and help me plan the wedding as well as look for houses. Brian was insistent that my parents not help us financially on the house and stated that he would do it all on his own. "You're my wife...we're about to have a baby together. Time for me to man up" he stated proudly after taking a swig of beer. "I'm not your wife yet" I teased him with a smile as I sat down next to him at the countertop bar. "'ve always been my wife...since October 15th,'ve always been Callie Haner to me" he stated in gruff quietness against my hair as he pulled me close to him and slid his arm around my waist. Dinner forgotten for the moment he began kissing my neck and right up to the spot behind my ear, making me moan out softly as he did so. "Brian..." I panted weakly as his lips continued to pull goose bumps to the surface of my flesh. "Mmm angel I love how you taste" he groaned softly against my throat, his hair tickling my chest as his mouth went to my cleavage.

I took a deep shuddering breath before pushing him back gently and reaching for his belt, my hormones increasing rapidly. "Baby...I forgot what you taste like" I whined in fake sadness as I undid his belt and pants, making him hiss through his teeth as his body tensed. "Baby girl..." he groaned out cautiously "Oh SHIT baby! Are you serious right now?!" his words came out breathless as I made a move to kneel before him. "Very serious Brian...I realized it's been far too long since I've tasted you...I need a taste" I whispered breathlessly in his ear before resuming my mission. "JESUS FUCKING CHRIST!" he bellowed out a moment later as my mouth wrapped around his thickened cock. Brian's breathing became rapid and deep as he threaded his fingers through my hair and leaned back, his eyes dark with lust as he watched me please him orally. "FUCKING HELL BABY GIRL...GODDAMMIT THAT FEELS FUCKING AMAZING! OH FUCK YES! GODDAMN BABY LICK IT" he growled vulgarly before ripping his shirt off and shaking with ecstasy. As silly as I felt I did as Brian asked and licked at the pulsing head of his cock like an ice cream cone, only to have him fly off the bar stool and slam back into the wall next to him. "FUCK BABY FUCK! CHRIST I WANNA BLOW MY LOAD IN YOUR MOUTH!" he growled out viciously as his hips began jerking into me with every long suck I took. Daring a bold move I looked up at him, batted my eyelashes and bit my lip coyly, my hand still firmly wrapped around the base of his impressive, straining manhood. "I want it Brian...please baby, give me a taste" I whined like I heard so many porn stars do, inwardly feeling ridiculous but as soon as the words left my mouth I watched a change come over Brian as I kneeled in front of him. Brian pushed my hand away from his body and gripped himself confidently, stroking himself with a cocky ease as he stroked the side of my face with his other hand. "Oh I'm gonna give you a taste naughty little girl. You're gonna get a nice healthy dose of what I have in store for you...ugh! Shit baby here it up nice and wide" he grunted as he began sliding his hand up and down his length quickly, his eyes locked on me the whole time. I smiled cutely up at him before slowly licking my lips at him and with that he growled viciously, grabbed the back of my head and rammed his cock deep in my throat, threatening to choke me with all he emptied into me. Brian gripped my head to him tightly and grunted as his hips jerked involuntarily while he emptied himself, panting and gasping at the end. Finally he released his hold on me a moment later and took a great big shuddering sigh, smacking his head back against the wall as he held his hands out for me to take so I could stand up. "Wow baby where did THAT come from?!" he gushed breathlessly as he pulled me to my feet and hugged me tightly. I giggled softly to myself, happy that it played out as well as it did and elated that my body responded to the naughtiness between us. "Well you see baby...I spent 2 LONELY years in Europe...with a bunch of sex crazed girls...we watched a lot of naughty things...I learned well by watching" I purred up at him as I reached down to stroke at him again. Brian made some sort of weird noise at the back of his throat as my hand stroked at him, bringing his erection back to life in just a short minute. "Wha-what else did you learn you lil nymph?" he groaned softly. "I learned to be adventurous and dreamt many dreams of the things you and I could have done many times I woke up orgasming at just the thought of what we could try...what we could discover...what we could create" I panted breathlessly in his ear as I pressed my body hard against his.

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