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I woke up the next morning the sun beaming in the open patio doors, a warm salty breeze fluttering the white sheer curtains and making me smile instantly. Brian lay sleeping next to me still, his hair in crazy disarray against the white pillow, making his hair appear an even darker black than usual. Resisting the urge to wake him I easily slid out of bed and tied the fluffy white robe that the hotel provided us around my body and padded out into the living room to ring for room service, intent on having a nice breakfast all situated on the patio before Brian woke up but right as the bellboy was leaving our room after delivering the food he came out into the living room in just his silver basketball shorts riding low on his hips. Brian rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he padded over to me and kissed my forehead "Mornin gorgeous" he mumbled, and then inhaled deeply as the aroma of coffee invaded his senses. "Well I was going to have this all set up nicely before waking you up" I laughed softly as he rolled the cart out onto the patio by the table as I followed behind closely. Brian shot me a grin as he began unloading the stuff onto the table "I woke up when I rolled over to pull you into me and got nothing but pillow instead of my wife" he stated with a wider grin as he tugged me into his arms. We stood there hugging for a moment or two before finally sitting down and helping ourselves to a large breakfast. We made idle chit chat as we ate, deciding where we were going to go and what sites we wanted to check out today, deciding that we wanted to leave the room for a better portion of the day today.

Finally two hours later we were dressed and walking out the hotel front doors, hell bent on discovering what our little honeymoon town had to offer. We laughed and joked around as we walked around the quaint little town and popped in and out of shops, sampling baked goods and admiring foreign trinkets that Brian insisted on buying me so I would have something at home to remind of our trip. "Silly I'll have memories!" I tried to reconcile after he bought me a gorgeous hanging crystal sun catcher "And tons of pictures too!" I laughed as I lifted my camera and snapped pictures of fisherman pulling in their catch for the day. "Yea well now you'll have something else to help remind you of this trip" he stated warmly in my ear as he hugged me from behind, handing me the bag with my newest trinket in it. We stopped for lunch at a small bistro that offered the most delicious, mouthwatering sandwiches and decided to eat at the edge of the water, sitting on the wall of the dock bays. We spent all day out and about around the small quaint town situated on the sea before heading back to the hotel, our day having been a total success.

The remainder of our honeymoon passed by quicker than I had wanted it to and before I knew it we were boarding a plane destined to take us back to California. I know Brian had as good a time on our honeymoon as I did but I could also sense his anxiousness to get back into the swing of things with the guys and the band, namely kicking off their album City Of Evil. For me it was back to work at the metal/rock magazine agency and as much as the job was exciting at times I just wasn't looking forward to it for some reason.


Once back in sunny Huntington Beach we fell back into the swing of things like nothing was ever interrupted. I went back to work at the agency while Brian worked his side jobs while helping the guys tie up last minute strings on the album. Between both our schedules we didn't see each other a whole lot and I was starting to get rather aggravated at not seeing him so on my rare day off I decided to head over to the small studio where the guys had been all day. Brian had left his car with me again so I could get back and forth to work even though I insisted I could walk...he wasn't having his pregnant wife walk 8 blocks to work though when he could just catch a ride with Jimmy. "No way in hell is my pregnant wife walking that distance! What kind of man would I be if I let that happen?!" he stated one day after shoving the keys in my hands and kissing me good bye. I smiled to myself as I parked the car next to Jimmy's beat up Honda and shut off the ignition "Hopefully daddy will be happy to see us!" I cooed happily to Pinkly as I removed her from her small travel crate and tucked her in my arms before shutting the door and heading into the building. I had been here a few times before so I knew my way through the building to their studio where they would be hard at work. Sure enough I could hear the guys deep in discussion about possible music videos and what their second song to be released would be after "Burn It Down."

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