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The next morning I smartly decided to dress a little more appropriately and thought with a smile that I would shock the guys with my "not so spoiled southern brat" side and wore my vintage Metallica shirt that was so worn out it was dam near see through and short ripped jean shorts. I threw my hair up in a messy bun high on my head before walking out the door to head to school, I stopped short when I opened the door and found Jimmy sitting on the bottom step of the porch steps twirling his drumstick. "Hey Jimmy!" I exclaimed happily as I bounced down the stairs to greet him, Jimmy shot me a lopsided grin and stood up next to me, instantly dwarfing me with his height "Morning Georgia!" he exclaimed happily as he hugged me tight.

"Whoa! You like Metallica? Or are you just one of those chicks that wears band shirts cause they're cool?" he teased as we started walking towards school "Hell no! I LOVE Metallica! Daddy took me to see them when I was 14, I even got to meet them!" I exclaimed as I told him about my special meet and greet with the guys and pulled my binder out with pictures of me and the guys as a group and then pictures of me with them individually, my most favorite one of me and James Hetfield took precedence over the middle of my binder with the concert ticket and guitar picks added into the mix. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT NO WAY!" Jimmy exclaimed as his blue eyes went wide with shock "You lucky fucker!" he stated with a smile. "Who's a lucky fucker?" I heard Brian suddenly say from behind us, I jumped as we turned around and he and Jimmy quickly hugged "Dude she fucking met Metallica man!" Jimmy wailed theatrically as he pulled my binder from my hands and showed Brian the front of it. Brian smiled as he handed my binder back to me "Yet another reason to like you Georgia. Metallica is bad will you wear our band's shirts too?" he teased as he fell in step beside us. I shot him a grin and nodded "Sure I will, I'll be your biggest supporter" I teased with a wink then flushed immediately when I realized I did so. Brian smiled brightly at that and threw his arm around my shoulders as we walked "I'll hold you to it then" he said softly in my ear making me shiver under the California sun.

The second day of school went pretty much the same way as the first only I was getting the hang of where my classes were today. The guys still walked with me from class to class, depending on where I was going making me feel more at ease and happy that I had met Jimmy. I walked in between Brian and Jimmy on the way to Biology where the teacher wasted no time in throwing a rather large project our way stating that it would make up a huge chunk of our first quarter grade so to not take it lightly "Ugh great!" Brian groaned in irritation as she handed out a packet with what to expect in the project "There goes my grade" he griped as he scowled at the packet of papers in his hand. I smiled at Brian and laughed "You'll be fine, I told you I'd help didn't I? No one at this table is getting anything lower than an A-, I guarantee it!" I told both him and Jimmy "Well no offense but I hope you don't expect much brilliancy from us" Jimmy joked "We're fucking morons when it comes to this shit" he whined before winking at me. " me okay...we'll get a good grade. Why don't you guys come over to my house after school and we can start working on it?" I suggested "Sure your dad won't shoot us?" Brian asked cautiously.

Smiling at him I just shook my head "My dad has to work late tonight and my mom is in L.A. on another shopping spree so I have the house to myself" I explained. Immediately the guys relaxed in their seats and agreed to come over "Are you guys that scared of my dad?" I laughed "He's a big teddy bear!" "Yea I'm sure he is to you...but I bet you anything I can peg the kind of dad he is" Brian explained as we started wrapping up our stuff before the bell rang "He's a southern guy which means he probably likes to believe he still lives in the old south at times...and you guys are rich because of his job and while he's not arrogant about it he IS proud and rightfully so, he's powerful and he knows it. You're the only child you said and you're a girl so you're daddy's little princess, the apple of his eye. He wants nothing but the best of the best for you which definitely means not having us animals as best friends...yet here you are hanging out with us and inviting us into your house. I bet he'd be PISSED!" Brian laughed lightly as the bell rang.

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