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     "Brian...I don't have any pajamas" I whined miserably as he shut the door behind us and locked it "Who says you have to wear anything?" he groaned softly in my ear as he snapped off the light and began slowly undressing me. Immediately the blood rushed in my ears as he slowly pulled my shirt off my body before pushing me up against the wall and kissing me so thoroughly and so erotically I was instantly panting for air "But...your" I gasped as his mouth made its way down my neck and on to my chest while simultaneously unhooking my bra. "That's why I locked the door baby, besides they never come in unless they hear strange noises, so you'll just have to be super quiet okay baby?" he teased darkly as he sucked at one of my nipples suddenly. I gasped loudly and clenched his head to me "Brian that's not fair" I panted in a whisper making him chuckle against me. "Oh it's plenty fair baby considering I already had to jerk off once in the shower...god I want you" he groaned softly and scooped me up in his arms so I could wrap my legs around his waist.

      My heart threatened to explode, my blood roared through my veins and my head spun as Brian stumbled towards his bed while holding me tightly as we kissed in a total sloppy, noisy manner. Brian dropped me unceremoniously on the bed before stalking over to his stereo and turning on a rock station so there was a low volume of music in the background. "Clever man" I purred to him as he came back over to the bed, immediately I gripped his pajama pants and yanked them down so they pooled around his ankles. "Mmm" I purred in my throat as I ran my hands up his thighs before crossing over to grip his demanding erection in my hand. Brian hissed through his teeth as my hand wrapped around his hardened girth and gathered up my hair in his hands "Fuck baby" he panted as he looked down at me. Slowly I licked my lips while maintaining eye contact before slowly taking his demanding erection into my mouth completely. I felt Brian's hands tighten their hold on my hair as I began sliding my mouth up and down his length making him gasp and pant almost instantly "Fuck baby...shit...shit...FUCK!" he bit out as he released almost violently in the back of my throat. Eventually I released my hold on him and flopped back on my elbows with a satisfied, smug smirk on my face as I slowly licked my lips again "Mmm mmm good! My man is quite tasty" I purred softly at him as he panted for air. "You naughty little witch" he teased with a grin as he dropped to his knees beside the bed "Now it's my turn, lift your sweet little ass up for me baby" he groaned softly as he gripped the edges of my shorts. I did as he said and in one swift move he yanked my shorts and underwear off making me hum with excited happiness in the back of my throat "Fuck baby you're beautiful" he panted softly as he propped my feet up on the mattress so I was spread wide for him.

      A second later I felt his tongue slide in between my swollen, aching lips and I grabbed for his pillow and muffled my lusty sighs of ecstasy into it. Vaguely I could hear Brian chuckle as his tongue began exploring every inch of me while he easily slid his index finger in and out of me in a soft lazy manner. Soon enough Brian began sucking and licking at my clit making me jump and arch my back off the bed while he increased the speed of his finger that was gliding in and out. Somehow Brian pulled the pillow off my face and flung it behind him "I want to hear you come unglued baby" he growled before assaulting me more with his tongue and fingers. By this time I was on the very edge of an orgasm and I held my breath as his tongue lazily circled my clit before pulling it into his mouth to suck on; his fingers curved up inside my body and as soon as he pushed at a certain spot I lost it. I bit my lip hard to keep from yelling out but my body shook uncontrollably as I anchored his head to me in a fierce, violent way and sobbed his name quietly. As soon as Brian released his hold on me I knocked him to his back on the floor and crawled on top of him "You have exactly two second to fuck me senseless or I'm raping you" I growled hotly in his ear as I rubbed my aching groin against his stiffened cock. "You got it" he panted viciously as he rolled us around so he could free himself to get a condom on before coming back over me and without further hesitation slid deep inside of me. I sighed in contentment as he braced himself up on his fists and began sliding in and out of me with effortless ease. "Oh...right there...oh...mmm...oh baby that feels amazing" I purred out as he rocked his hips into mine in a totally sensual way.

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