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      It seemed like in no time at all we were checking in to a very gorgeous, upscale hotel. "Hampton Inn and Suites" read the sign as we walked into the front lobby where dad checked us all in, we even had a bellboy bringing all our bags in on a big golden cart! Brian and I both were staring at everything in awe as daddy signed the bill of sale and handed me my room card. We headed up to the fourth floor where the carpets were plush and the walls were lined with huge photographs of local New Orleans sites. True to his word we had adjoining rooms and daddy once again made sure to tell Brian that he was to sleep on the pull out sofa in the living room area of my "suite", I frowned at daddy and shook my head "That's not fair to Brian daddy, why should he sleep on a uncomfortable couch while I get a huge bed all to myself?" I grumbled as I opened my door so the bellboy could put our suitcases in the room. Brian looked over at the couch and smiled "That...does NOT look uncomfortable at all babe. I think I'll be fine" he stated confidently as he flopped down on the oversized couch.

      We waited till mom and dad went into their own room before I climbed on Brian's lap to straddle him "I still don't like the idea of you sleeping out here" I pouted as I toyed with the short hair at the nape of his neck. Brian chuckled softly and cupped my ass in his hands to pull me closer to him. "Don't pout baby, I didn't make the rules and your dad seems to be letting his guard down with me. I don't want to fuck that up" he stated gently. "I thought you didn't care what people thought of you" I counteracted as I slid down on the couch cushion and draped my legs over his lap. Brian shot me a lopsided grin as he began rubbing my feet "I don't really baby but I don't want your dad to create issues for us and the better he likes me and the more he lets his guard down the better chance you and I have of being together without friction like there was in the beginning." "Damn you for making too much sense" I teased.

      A moment later both dad and mom came through the door dressed for their first conference/convention. "Okay kids we have to head out now, I imagine we'll be back around 5 or so. Here's some spending money for today princess" dad said as he handed me a $100 bill then kissed the top of my head. "Behave yourselves!" he stated as a warning before him and mom disappeared through our door. Brian and I waited a whole five minutes before finally giving way and attacking each other, hands tore at each other as clothes came flying off till we were quickly naked on the floor of my hotel room, Brian fumbled with his jeans pocket where he had secretly stored a condom while I placed biting kisses all over his neck and throat making him groan and shake against me. Brian blindly reached between us to cover his raging hard on before wrapping his arm around my back and pretty much knocking me to my back beneath him. "Brian please, don't keep stalling!" I whispered frantically as I pulled at him, Brian shot me a lust filled gaze, adjusted his body in between my legs and with one quick thrust was deep inside of me. My eyes rolled shut, back arched and I dug my nails into his upper back as I moaned out his name quietly while he thrust deep inside of me. "God baby I'm glad they left so early, I was afraid I was gonna have to take advantage of you on the streets of New Orleans" he panted with a drunken smirk as we rocked our bodies in unison. "You can still take advantage of me on the streets of New Orleans baby" I gasped softly as he pulled me up onto his lap. "Baby don't tempt me" he grunted in my ear as we neared our climaxes together. I waited till we both caught our breath before smirking back at him "Oh I'm going to tempt you, I think it will be exciting to have sex against a rough brick wall in a darkened alley in the heart of New Orleans" I whispered in his ear making him groan deeply in his chest. "You are a naughty, naughty woman...Mrs. Haner" he joked softly at me as we quickly got dressed, as much as I could have stayed in the room all day with Brian I knew that if we didn't have pictures or brochures proving we actually went somewhere daddy would become suspicious and Brian was right, he was letting his guard down and I didn't want it to go back up!

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