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MAY 15TH 2005


My alarm clock went off at 7 a.m. sharp, rousing me from a rather comfy sleep in between Brian's arms as he spooned up against my backside in bed making him grumble and tighten his grip on me, forcing me to not move. "Baby let me up" I laughed sleepily as his arms became like vices around me and he shook his head against my back. "No" he mumbled into my back and tightened his grip more. "Baby we gotta get up...we're getting married today!" I laughed as I began prying back his fingers one by one till he growled and rolled me over on my back, bracing himself above me as he did so. "Okay if you insist...BUT that's only because I get to marry you this evening! Otherwise I'd keep you captive in this bed with me all day!" he chuckled as he released his grip on me and helped me out of the tangled sheets. "Oh yea what are you gonna do Haner? Tie me down?!" I teased as I pulled on the fluffy white robe the hotel provided me with. "That's a good possibility" he stated gruffly, making me turn around and look at him wide eyed, my breathing erratic. "What?" he questioned innocently enough despite the smirk on his lips "Do you like the idea of being tied up? Hmm? Think you wanna try it?" he stated in a hoarse whisper as he somehow pulled the sash on my robe free and wrapped it around my wrists, pinning my hands high above my head as he backed me up against a wall and rubbed his hot naked body against mine. "Trust me angel it can be erotic as fuck. I think I'm going to show you just how hot some BDSM can be tomorrow night. I'll leave our wedding night for sweet, sweet loving but tomorrow night when we're settled down in our honeymoon prepared" he growled quietly in my ear as he slid his hands effortlessly in between my legs making me shiver excitedly. "Brian..." I panted softly as he began kissing my neck while keeping my hands pinned high above my head. "Mmm?" "I don't know what BDSM means" I confessed, embarrassment lacing my every word. Brian slowly lifted his face from my neck, a dark and steamy look on his face as he nuzzled his nose in my hair and whispered "Bondage...Domination...Submission...Masochism. Slave and Master if you prefer" he finished off hotly, leaving me a quivering, anxious mess. "Oh" I breathed out quietly, my eyes wide with wonder, excitement and I would be lying if I didn't say a little bit of fear.

"Don't worry baby, I won't hurt you...and I'll stop if I scare you but I want you to experience it, you might surprise yourself and enjoy it. God knows what kind of freak I might unleash in you Georgia" he teased softly, his voice so warm and sensual I was quivering against him. "Geez Brian what did you do in the 5 years we were apart?" I panted softly as he slowly released my hands and pushed the robe off my shoulders, pooling it around my feet as he pulled me into the shower with him. "Watched a lot of horrible, raunchy, twisted porn" he laughed darkly as we began soaping up our bodies and hair. We had made a promise to each other that we wouldn't have sex till tonight...our wedding night and we kept that promise to each other as we finished our shower easily enough before slipping into clothes and heading downstairs to the lobby where we would finally split off, Brian going with his guys and doing god only knows what before preparing for the wedding while me and my girls spent the day with Morgan, momma, Suzy, Jan and Brian's grandma at the spa getting the full pampered treatment. "Boy these Italians really know how to spoil a lady!" Brian's grandma, Flo joked around as a young Italian guy kneaded her muscles while we received full body massages.

Just as we were getting ready to get facials and mud masks a short Italian woman came in and handed me a small box with a bow on top. I stared at her cluelessly before she smiled and in severely broken English stated "Gift from soon to be husband" and with another smile she was gone, leaving me to stare at the box. "Well?! Open it already! I know what it is!" Mac stated excitedly as she grabbed my camera which I had been using since this morning to capture the pre-wedding festivities. "You know what it is huh?" I teased as I pulled off the wrapping paper "Yup, I helped Brian pick them out!" she chirped, then began snapping pictures as I pulled out the small card and read in Brian's simple hand writing "Your something blue." I pulled the tissue back and gasped softly at a pair of dainty, dangly earrings with sapphire hearts in the middle of ornately twisted white gold, sparkling immensely in the bright light. "Oh my goodness" I gasped softly as I pulled them out and slid them in my ears, smiling at McKenna as she snapped another picture. "They look great on you Callie!" she gushed happily before setting my camera back down and flopping down in her seat "he couldn't decide between those or these other ones but I said hearts were the best" she chirped happily as we began our mud mask treatments.

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