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      The next morning I was slow to wake up but the sun shining in through the window and the birds chirping pulled me from my sleep as I rolled over only to find an empty bed. I frowned at the spot next to me where Brian was supposed to be before crawling out of bed and slipping on short shorts and a form fitted white t-shirt. I ran a brush through my long hair before heading downstairs to see if maybe Brian was watching TV but the house was as quiet as a tomb giving me no indication as to his whereabouts or if he was even in the house at all. Just as my feet hit the wooden floor I heard the sliding door to the backyard open and smiled in relief as Brian came walking through the door with a sneaky grin on his face. "There you are! I thought you left or something" I stated as he came over and pulled me into a warm embrace. "Not on your life" he stated quietly from above me as I nuzzled my head under his chin more and inhaled his scent deeply "I just had to set something up" he finished with the telltale hint of a smirk on his lips. "Oh? What's that?" I questioned as I lifted my head up to look up at him, my heart skipping a beat as our eyes connected and unspoken feelings passed between us. "Mmm, why don't you come out here and find out sweetness" Brian said softly as he took my hand and pulled me outside to the patio table where he had set up the table with obvious breakfast foods and a huge bouquet of red, pink and white roses sat in the center of the table.

"Happy Valentine's Day babe" he said softly as he pulled my chair out for me. I shot Brian a happy smile as I sat down in the chair and leaned back to look at him "I thought you said you couldn't cook Brian" I teased as he leaned over and kissed me softly. "It's nothing fancy trust me, Suzy had to walk me through it over the phone" he laughed lightly as he took the lids off our plates to reveal a huge Belgian waffle with powdered sugar, strawberries and syrup nearby, toast was on another small plate and he had orange juice sitting in a bucket of ice nearby. My stupid emotions took hold of me and my eyes teared up at the simple yet completely sweet gesture he did by taking the time to make me breakfast. "You okay?" Brian asked cautiously as he poured a glass of OJ for me and gave me a concerned look. I nodded my head and smiled up at him before clearing my throat and thanked him for the most wonderful Valentine's Day surprise. Brian chuckled as he kissed the top of my head before sitting down next to me "You're welcome baby girl, it's the least I could do since you're always cooking for me" he teased as he nudged my feet with his.

We sat and ate our breakfast outside in the gorgeous California air, not really talking, just contently eating and being together although our feet stayed tangled together the entire time. Once we were done eating he pulled me over to the double seated glider and pulled me down with him as we settled into the seats. Our innocent kisses quickly turned to hot, steamy, passionate kisses that left my heart thumping like mad as Brian held me super close against him, his lips soft and warm as they caressed mine. My hand slowly slid from his chest down his stomach as we kissed then seemed to wander on its own accord as it skimmed across his waist and down his leg but it was a hard, square object that stopped my hand from wandering and my lips from slowly pulling away from his. "Brian what is in your pocket?" I questioned softly as I attempted to slide my hand into his pocket but he grabbed my wrist lightly and shot me a smirk. "That's a surprise baby" he chuckled as he tried pushing me to my back so he could pin himself above me but I wasn't having any of that today. "OOH! Is it for me?!" I exclaimed happily as I tried wedging my hand in his pocket further, a huge smile on my face as we quickly ensued in an over powering match with Brian quickly winning by pinning both my hands behind my back with just one of his hands while the other arm was across my lap like a seatbelt, his chest heaving happily as he nuzzled his face into my neck. I decided to change tactics once Brian had me pinned and began making soft mewling sounds as his lips skimmed over my flesh. "Baby" I panted softly as I craned my neck so he could have more room and opened my legs more. "Baby, I want to feel you...right now" I panted desperately, using my accent completely then smiling victoriously as I heard Brian groan in resignation against my skin. "Okay baby, let's go upstairs" he croaked out, his eyes landing on mine again and darkening to an almost black. I smiled at Brian and shook my head as I pouted cutely and batted my eyes innocently at him "No baby...I want to do it right here, right outside in the morning air. Please baby" I begged breathlessly, knowing I was getting what I wanted the second he released his vice grip hold on me and pulled his shirt off his body quickly. "You are such a witch...always getting your way with me you know that?" he panted as I wiggled out of my shorts as I stood in front of him.

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