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      Two hours later Brian showed up at the house with one single suitcase sitting on the ground next to him, excitedly I yanked open the screen door and pulled him inside with me before I started babbling about New Orleans and all the fun sites we were going to see while we were down there.

      "Since we don't have school Monday, mom and dad decided we'll stay down an extra day so we can site see a little more that way we're not rushing anything. Mom and dad won't be able to come to the majority of these places with us because they'll be in conferences but they should be able to see some on Monday. Oh and I already have a map printed out of downtown New Orleans and different places we can check out so tell me which ones sound interesting to you and I'll map out a route for us to go and..." daddy roared with laughter, effectively cutting off my babbling as he came over and hugged me to his side.

      "Princess I think you're making Brian's head swim! You haven't stopped to take a breath since he walked in the door!" he teased before kissing the top of my head. I slapped my hands over my mouth as my cheeks flushed and I smiled from behind my hands "Oops, I'm sorry Brian, I just got a little carried away" I said softly after removing my hands. Brian just laughed lightly and shot me a wink "I don't mind at all, it's cute the way you babble. And I'm down for going where ever you want to go. You're the history buff so you can teach me about New Orleans while we follow your treasure map here" he teased as he looked at the colored map I printed out of New Orleans.

      I grabbed Brian's hand and the reams of papers I had printed out already and started tugging him towards the stairs "We're gonna go over stuff to do in New Orleans okay daddy?" I stated as we trudged up the stairs "Okay princess but remember, early lights out because we're getting up at 3 in the morning...and leave your bedroom door open young lady!" he yelled up the stairs. "Ugh...DAD!" I wailed theatrically as we climbed the stairs to my room "Baby just do as he asks okay, let's not create trouble before we get to have fun...and I plan on having plenty of fun" Brian whispered hotly in my ear as we entered my bedroom.

      We flopped down on the love seat and began making out heavily, our need for each other consuming both of us as we kissed fiercely and passionately. Brian eventually kissed his way down my neck while holding me to him and sliding his hands up underneath the back of my shirt to caress my bare back. "Ugh Brian this isn't fair! I want you so bad right now" I panted heavily as I ran my hands up and down his arms and his chest before dropping my hand into his lap. He was rock hard so I took full advantage of that by stroking him as best as I could through his jeans making him groan heavily against my neck "Fucking hell baby I wish we could just fuck right now" he whispered desperately in my ear as my hands roamed all over his body some more. Our kisses became frantic, sloppy and noisy as we worked ourselves up into a frenzy but when Brian rubbed my groin through my pajama pants I about lost it right then and there.

      My legs fell apart as I whined into his mouth while somehow trying to pull him closer to me still. Brian lifted his head and went still for a second before smirking down at me "Just checking to make sure your parents weren't coming up the stairs" he whispered before suddenly sliding his hand inside my pants and dipping his two fingers into my aching wetness. My body bucked hard against his fingers driving them deeper inside of me as I pulled him almost over on top of me "Brian" I panted softly over and over again as his fingers slid in and out of me noisily. " we gotta stop...fucking kill me now but we have to stop" he panted a moment later and somehow tore himself away from my grip to flop back into the cushions of the love seat.

      My chest heaved as I struggled to regain my composure and just about had myself calmed down when Brian shot me a lopsided smirk and slowly sucked his fingers clean "Still as sweet tasting as ever" he mumbled hotly while winking at me. "OOOH! YOU ASS!" I wailed out loudly with a smile as I flung a pillow at Brian, Brian laughed and came up off the couch quickly to tackle me down to the ground and proceeded to tickle the absolute crap out of me. I giggled and squealed loudly while begging for mercy while Brian straddled me and showed me NO mercy by tickling me that much harder till I was crying I was laughing so hard; only then did he finally let up and quit tickling me.

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