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"Baby wake girl wake up or we're gonna miss our flight" I heard Brian state softly in my ear as he gently shook me. As soon as he said the word "flight" my eyes shot open and I sat upright in bed, panic crossing my face as Brian struggled not to laugh. "Georgia relax, we got plenty of time. I just wanted to get you up and moving so you could sleep on the flight over like you wanted to." I let out a huge sigh of relief before grabbing Brian's pillow and smacking him with it "Dammit Brian you scared the hell out of me!" I exclaimed wildly as I continued to beat him with his pillow, laughing the whole time till, with a growl he pounced on me and yanked the pillow from my arms. Immediately I calmed down and gazed up at Brian as he towered over me on his fists, his cologne invading my senses and my mind. "I can't believe in three days we're going to be married...for real this time. Are you ready to spend the rest of your life with me even though I'm crazy when I'm pregnant?" I teased lightly as I hooked my hands around the backs of his arms and lightly stroked his biceps. "I've been ready for years now angel face. I don't care how crazy you get, I'll always want you" he stated with gruff quietness before leaning down to kiss me in quite steamy manner.

We continued kissing in this manner for quite some time till I felt Brian's hand sneaking up my bare leg and under the hem of his Slayer shirt I was wearing. "Brian" I said softly and hesitantly as he tried nudging his hand in between my closed legs. "Open for me baby" he grumbled against my neck as he nibbled at my sensitive flesh and tried unclenching my thighs. I decided to be a brat and shook my head 'no', keeping my legs tightly closed. Brian's head whipped up, his eyes dark and stormy now "Did you just tell me no?!" he grunted as he literally yanked my legs open and wedged himself in between them, his groin just a few inches from mine. I shot Brian a devilish smirk and shook my head "Yes I did Mr. Gates." "Oh you naughty little fuck!" he growled hotly as he shot me a look that told me I was in trouble...and boy did I like that look! "You wanna play rough do ya?" he groaned in my ear before nipping my earlobe and tugging on it with his teeth sending shivers up and down my body. "Rough? I don't think you have it in you" I teased further earning me a look so hot and so overpowering I felt myself getting wet right then and there. "You're gonna have it in you in a second here you naughty little girl" he growled out hotly before sliding off the foot of the bed, pulling me with him till my ass was just over the edge of the mattress. Brian yanked my legs around his waist and began gyrating his groin into mine "Still think I don't have it in me to be rough do ya?" he groaned out hoarsely as he kept his grip firm on my legs. "Nope I don't...I think you have no idea" I teased back, knowing that what I was doing was like poking a sleeping bear with a red hot poker. "Why you little shit!" he growled viciously a split second before he rammed his massive, straining erection into me, pulled out and rammed into my ass without warning or hesitation. My eyes went wide and I screeched like hell at the painful intrusion but Brian just wore a smug look on his face as he slid two long fingers deep inside me. "Now, what was that about me not being rough? Hmm? I can't quite hear you Georgia" he teased darkly as he slowly fucked me both ways at the same time.

"Fuck you Brian" I managed to pant out as I began writhing in ecstasy causing him to chuckle darkly and pull me into him more. "Your ass feels amazing by the way...just thought you should know that. And your pussy tasty" he teased heatedly as he removed his fingers and sucked them clean, making me gasp harder for air. Brian just chuckled more before ramming his fingers back into me, rubbing my clit with his thumb for good measure. Soon enough Brian removed his fingers from deep with inside of me in order to grasp the backs of my thighs so he could pump faster and harder into me. Brian's eyes dropped to where we were connected and I swear to god he growled like an animal! "Fuck yes baby girl! God you're making my cock ache! Shit you feel fucking amazing! Damn baby DAMN!" he grunted out before jerking and going still, his straining erection now twitching from inside of me making me see stars.

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