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     We eventually said our good byes to everyone before climbing in Brian's car for the short ride back to my parents' house for the night. "I can't believe how cool, calm and collected your parents are with letting you spend the whole weekend with me" I said quietly as I locked the door behind us and set the security system "Oh trust me babe, if I ever do anything to fuck up my parents trust you can best believe they will chain me to my bed pretty much" he laughed as he pulled his tie completely off while kicking off his dress shoes and stepping out of his socks before we walked up the stairs to my bedroom. Brian's statement hit me in the gut as I remembered how I wanted this night to end and while I was mentally, emotionally and physically ready for it I still had to swallow a ball of nerves that suddenly appeared in my throat. "Baby what's wrong? Don't worry about my parents okay...some stuff they shouldn't trust me about but with you it's completely different. They know they can trust me with you; I won't push myself on you or do anything you don't want to do" he said easily as we entered my room and shut the door. Slowly I turned to face Brian and silently scolded myself for shaking so bad "But...say hypothetically...what would they do if we DID have sex here? Would they still let you come over when my parents are away?" I asked in a nervous shaking tone. Brian slipped his shirt off and tossed it carelessly onto my love seat before walking over to me "Oh I don't know...maybe...not like they'd have to know anyways. Besides that hasn't happened yet...and whenever it does I would think they would rather us have sex here than in my car somewhere" he laughed easily as he pulled me into his now bare chest and kissed my forehead.

     Mentally I counted to three before I spoke again in a quiet, hushed tone "Brian?" "Hmm?" he said it goes! Slowly I lifted my head to his and stared him down "I'm ready" I said with all the courage I could muster. "You're ready? For what baby?" he said in a confused tone as he searched my face, then suddenly it must have dawned on him. Recognition flared in his eyes as they turned a dark brown and his breathing became irregular "Christ baby girl are you SURE?! Fuck! Baby I don't have protection!" he muttered almost angrily to himself. Silently I tugged open the nightstand drawer, exposing the boxes of condoms I had bought and while I could feel my cheeks engulf in flames I kept my eyes locked on his face as I struggled for my own breath. Brian looked down in the drawer, back up at me, and then back down in the drawer before cursing softly under his breath "Four boxes? Shit baby" he panted lustfully before pulling me tight into him. Instantly I began trembling in Brian's arms as he skimmed his lips across mine "Are you sure you're ready sweetness?" I heard him mumble against my mouth. I took a deep, steady breath and shook my head "Completely Brian, tonight is the night" I whispered softly before reaching up to slowly pull my hair free from the pins that held it up.

     Brian stood watching me, not saying a word with his mouth but saying a million words with his eyes as he gazed appreciatively at me while my hair dropped in heavy curls down my back once again. Brian walked over to the light to dim it down to a soft glow as I slipped out of my dress leaving me in my strapless corset and underwear. Brian groaned deep in his chest as he reproached me and softly slid his hands down my sides and back around to my ass. "Baby girl I swear I will try my best to make this as memorable as I can for you" he moaned softly as he began unhooking my corset "I know you will baby" I whispered back "I just hope I don't disappoint you" I muttered in a self-conscious moment. Brian quickly lifted my chin up so our gazes met "Don't EVER think that baby, EVER! You won't disappoint me AT ALL. Do you understand me?" he stated with determination as his hand stilled at its work on my corset. I silently nodded my head and he resumed unhooking my corset but not before stealing a soft, sensual kiss from me. Soon I stood before him naked and exposed while he still wore his black jeans "Climb up in bed baby girl" he said softly as he quickly shed his pants and boxer briefs this time before rummaging through the drawer and pulling out a box at random. Brian popped open the top and spilled the eight condoms out onto the top of the nightstand before crawling up on the bed next to me.

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