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JUNE 6TH 2005

At the last second the guys manager put together a meet and greet/CD signing at one of the local music shops on the day the guys album was released to the public so of course the guys were freaking out and us girls were trying to maintain some sort of normalcy with them while readying ourselves to be there in full force, showing our support to the guys. The guys had to arrive at the store early to set up so Allie, Zoe, Morgan and Gena all met up at my place to get ready and show up as one solid unit of support for our guys. Gena got there first and hugged me tightly, handing me a small pink gift bag with a balloon tied to it exclaiming "IT'S A GIRL!" on it. "Awe Gena you didn't have to get the baby anything yet!" I teased. "Trust me you'll love it!" she laughed as I eagerly pulled the purple tissue paper out of the bag and pulled out a tiny black onesie with pink lace ruffles along the arms and legs. "Oh my god it's perfect!" I exclaimed happily as I opened the onesie and saw Zack's new clothing line scheme on the front of the onesie "Vengeance Princess in training" it stated in graffiti style letters with his signature switchblade design. I hugged Gena tightly and thanked her profusely for the adorable onesie. "I told Zack he had to design a onesie for the baby so as soon as we found out that you two were having a girl he pulled this out and handed it to me. He had one for each gender already made!" she laughed as we waited for the rest of the girls to show up.

Soon enough we were all cramming ourselves into Zoe's car which was the most reliable out of all of ours and heading to the store where the guys were just about ready to greet any potential fans they had here in Huntington Beach. I wasn't really sure what to expect and I wasn't getting my hopes up too high but had to smile in excitement as I noticed a fairly good sized crowd standing outside the open doors of the store, waiting their turn in line to get to the guys. "This is so fricking awesome!" Allie exclaimed bubbly from her seat beside me as Zoe parked as close to the building as she could but we still had to walk a couple of blocks to get to the front of the store. Dan spotted us as we neared the opened double doors and came to gather us up like a mother hen gathering her chicks making me giggle at his bodyguard stance around us. The five of us stood off to the side by family members that showed up and watched with happy bright smiles as the guys greeted their new fan base, handing out autographs, handshakes and pictures. It was while I was coming out from the back after using the bathroom that a girl who was obviously a fan approached me with a slightly nervous look on her face. "Hi" she stated evenly, almost blocking my way back to where the girls stood in a close circled group. "Hi" I stated unsure of what her intentions really were but a second later I was surprised to see her relax and smile at me "Are you Syn's wife?" she asked shyly. "I am" I stated evenly. "Oh my god you're so lucky to be married to him! He's like my favorite!" she gushed excitedly. I gave her a polite smile as she continued to gush about how she just loved how he played and his stage presence and how sexy he was. I was desperately trying to think of a way to politely back away from her when Brian suddenly appeared out of nowhere and held his hand out for me "There you are gorgeous" he stated, his eyes on me alone as he pulled me towards him. The girl seemed frozen in place for a minute before blushing and pulling her camera from her purse and handing it to me, already stepping next to Brian in a bold move. "You don't mind taking a picture of me with your hubby do you?" she giggled as she wrapped her arms around his middle and hugged him into her side.

I felt myself do a slow burn inside but managed to keep a cool exterior as I snapped a picture of her before handing her the camera back at the same time Brian stepped away from her, showing me that he could handle girls throwing themselves towards him. "Oh my god thank you so much!" she gushed like an idiot as Brian nodded his head at her and took my hand once again, pulling me into his side and sliding his arm around my waist.

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