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      The next few days at school played out pretty much the same way as the first day did. I walked to school with either Matt and Zoey or Jimmy but that was it. I avoided the common area for lunch and Brian avoided Biology the period after. Zack and Matt both still talked to me but I could tell they were trying to not step on Brian's toes by talking too much to me, less they seem like they were siding with me even though they assured me they were remaining neutral. Jimmy was the only one who talked to me constantly and tried to cheer me up with silly pictures he scribbled on paper or by making jokes and while I loved him for all his efforts it just wasn't helping relieve the deep aching emptiness I felt with each passing day.

      Thursday in Spanish class the teacher dropped a bombshell on the class that left me wanting to puke my guts out right on my desk. "Okay class! Tomorrow is going to be a group effort! I will have each group take turns holding a conversation in Spanish for 5 minutes! You will be graded so be prepared!" she exclaimed happily. I swallowed back the bile that I felt rising in my throat and again, dashed out of the classroom the second the bell sounded only this time I didn't stop in the bathroom. I kept on going, forgetting about my locker and my homework I just ran straight home and up to my bedroom. I knew without a doubt that I would NOT be in school tomorrow come hell or high water and began hatching a plan to get me excused.

      Thankfully the next morning mom bought my excuse of feeling sick to my stomach "It's that time of the month mom. I just feel like puking all the time" I groaned out in fake pain. Mom covered me up with my blanket and kissed my forehead "Okay sweetie I will call school. I hope you feel better. Maybe you should go hang out with Brian this weekend sweetie that might make you feel better while your dad and I are gone" she suggested with a smile. Tears just about sprung to my eyes as I shook my head and rolled over to face the other way "I dunno mom, I feel pretty crappy right now. I just want to rest" I mumbled softly. Mom sighed and pulled my door shut behind her softly making me hurt even more on the inside...they had no clue that Brian and I were on the outs and possibly done for good. I cried even harder as I looked at my left hand and brokenheartedly slid my ring off my finger and set it on the nightstand next the pictures of us at the LA County Fair. Seeing the pictures of us happy and kissing made me cry even harder and as soon as I heard mom's car leave the garage I sobbed and sobbed until my stomach cramped and ached even more.

      I fell in and out of sleep that day and well into the evening and when daddy came in to ask me if I was coming down to dinner I just wordlessly shook my head and curled up in a ball further. "Get some rest princess, I hope you feel better" he said with soft sincerity as he shut the door again.

      The weekend was miserable torture to me as I thought back to the weekends when Brian would come over while my parents were gone and we would have so much fun, acting like a true married couple that I yelled and cussed at every sappy romance movie or commercial on TV. Saturday night I heard a knock at the front door and went still with fear. Was it Brian? Or was it something worse? I stood there in the kitchen with my heart in my throat when I heard Jimmy's muffled voice from the other side of the door. "Georgia let me in, I heard you yelling" he stated through the door. Calming my nerves I went over and unlocked the front door. Jimmy came in with a hopeful smile on his face and a stack of movies in his hands. "I hope you're up for company cause my crazy aunt is at the house and if I have to endure her anymore tonight I fear I will be babbling and drooling in a corner" he stated in a silly voice making me instantly laugh. "There's my Georgia!" he exclaimed happily and squeezed me into his side.

      We walked into the living room and Jimmy set the movies down on the table...thankfully all comedies! I showed Jimmy how to work the TV and whatnot while I gathered up snacks for us and carried them into the living room. For the rest of the night and well into the wee hours of the morning we laughed and carried on while watching comedies like Dr. Doolittle, Rush Hour, Shanghai Noon and Night at the Roxbury. Finally after the last movie ended I turned and hugged Jimmy fiercely as he sat next to me with his arm around my shoulders. "Thanks Jim Jam, I really, really needed this" I said into the crook of his neck as we hugged each other. "You're welcome...but I can't help but want to fix this between you two. You do still love him right?" he asked so sincerely that my tears filled my throat as I nodded my head silently.

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