Chapter 42

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                The morning of prom the four of us girls gathered together at my parents’ house before piling into daddy’s Mercedes that he loaned to me to take us to the salon where we were getting our hair and nails done for the big day. We laughed and carried on the whole way there, making bets on who was going to get laid first and who was going to get the drunkest between the guys and who was going to get the mushiest. “We all know that Brian and Callie will win that one hands down!” Allie laughed excitedly as I parked the car carefully “Those two are so mushy gushy romantic lovey-dovey I could puke!” she exclaimed with loud excitement as we piled out of the car and entered the salon. “Don’t hate!” I teased her back as we sat down at side by side desks and placed our hands on the mats for our nails to be done.

                Our prom theme this year was James Bond with the classic 1940’s look to it and I chose a form fitting dress in black and teal so I had the nail technician put teal crystals on my nails while asking the beautician to put some teal streaks in my hair before pulling half of it back and sending into a gorgeous cascade of loose, thick curls down my back. By the time all 4 of us girls had our nails and hair done it was almost two in the afternoon and we had to hurry back to my parents’ house to get into our dresses. The guys were due to arrive at the house at 4:00 with the limo for the usual prom pictures before we took a detoured ride in the limo around Huntington Beach before actually going to the hotel where prom was being held. The house quickly became filled with girlish laughter and chatter as we helped each other into our dresses and with last minute makeup touches. Allie and Zack’s girlfriend opted for the big, full dresses while Zoe and I opted for the sleek, form fitting ones and I couldn’t help but gush appreciatively over my dress as I slid into it. The sleeves were off the shoulder and slightly thicker than spaghetti straps with a low slung front, a small V cut into the front of it to show just a hint of cleavage. The dress hugged my body like a second skin before flaring out slightly around my feet and had a small train on it. The dress was completely covered in sparkles; the top of the dress was the teal color and faded beautifully into black by the time it reached the bottom of the dress. Surprisingly we all were dressed and had time to take some pictures together of just us girls before the guys arrived. “Ladies your dates have arrived!” daddy yelled up the stairs to us as momma finished snapping a picture of the 4 of us together. I leaned over the railing and smiled down as the guys came walking through the front door looking absolutely breathtaking in their formal tuxes with bow ties, cummerbunds and boutonnieres to match the colors of our dresses.

                The guys immediately craned their necks to look up above them, huge smiles forming on their faces as they spotted us looking down at them. “Well come on girls! Don’t keep these guys waiting!” daddy chuckled as they lined up like little toy soldiers and waited for us. Zack’s girlfriend led us down the stairs, followed by Allie, then Zoe then myself. My nerves took hold as I neared Brian and felt my cheeks actually flush with excitement and coyness as I finally stood in front of him. “Wow…holy shit…I mean, oops!” Brian chuckled after looking at daddy in slightly embarrassment for cursing in front of him but daddy just laughed and smacked Brian on the back “Yup son, that’s what I pretty much said too when I took her mother to the prom” he said softly while smiling sweetly at me. “Princess you look absolutely gorgeous” he stated quietly as he hugged me before releasing me back to Brian who held a corsage tightly in his hands. I have always from day one thought Brian was the hottest guy I ever laid eyes on but seeing him dressed up in a sharp, jet black tux with a snowy white shirt underneath, his bow tie not obnoxiously big and the cummerbund matching the teal of my dress exactly just made me absolutely drool in appreciation. “Wow Brian” I gushed breathlessly as he shot me a slightly embarrassed but happy smirk as he opened the clear container that held my corsage and took it out. “I feel so out of place all dressed up like this” he laughed lightly as he lovingly slid the corsage onto my wrist, a white rose with baby’s breath and small decorative teal feathers and crystals accenting the edges beautifully. “How do you stand wearing these monkey suits sir?” he laughed at daddy as he held both my hands in his. Daddy laughed and patted Brian’s shoulder once again while simultaneously nodding his head towards momma who stood behind us “You learn to live with it Brian. Now turn around and face your mother princess so she can get a picture of you two.”

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