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      A few days passed quickly and before I knew it, it was the day of the guys' first gig in front of an audience made up of more than their friends and family members. The guys gathered at Matt's parents' house and went through one last practice before their show tonight and while they talked a good game we could tell they were nervous on the inside. "Baby you'll do great" I gushed to Brian as he packed away his guitar and wiped the sweat off his forehead that had rapidly appeared as the guys rocked out full blast. "I know babe, we just worked so hard for this...I want us to go somewhere, I don't want to be another high school garage band not making any further than that" he stated with determination in his words. "You will Brian; you guys will make it to the top. I just know it" I declared confidently as I handed him a bottle of water and giggled as he looked at it like it was a foreign substance. "What's this for?" he questioned as he held the bottle, making me laugh. "Babe, you've been exerting yourself, you need to hydrate yourself. And this" I stated as I held up an empty can of Coke "Is NOT how to hydrate yourself." Brian just smiled and rolled his eyes but downed the entire bottle in one shot before yanking me into his arms and laying a sweaty kiss on my lips, gripping me tightly to him the whole time.

"Thanks for looking out for me gorgeous" he mumbled against my lips a moment later. "Always Brian" I managed to whisper as our eyes locked and I read what was in his stare as he held me to him. The guys went over last minute plans for another hour or so while us girls decided that as girlfriends of the band would dress similarly in leather miniskirts and tiny white tank tops where we wrote on them in huge letters "I'm with the guitarist" "I'm with the lead singer" "I'm with the drummer." "Callie you should totally write 'lead guitarist' on yours!" Zoe exclaimed as we began filling in the lettering with black permanent markers. I saw Zack's girlfriend scowl at that and toss her marker down "Zack is just as important you know" she bit out at Zoe's back. Zoe rolled her eyes and smiled at me before turning back to her "I never said he wasn't...but Brian IS the lead guitarist. Even ask Zack, he'll agree" she said sweetly before turning back to her shirt where she was busy drawing a microphone and music notes on it. I didn't want to create more friction between us girls but Zoe kept pushing me to write in lead guitarist on my shirt till Allie took my shirt and wrote it in her pretty scrolling writing. "There! It's done! Now you can't change it!" she laughed before coloring in a pair of drum sticks on hers. I knew damn well I couldn't draw a guitar so I stuck with drawing music notes on mine, around the words before we finally decided they were done. "Let's all meet up at Jimmy's house and I'll lock us in his room so we can get ready!" Allie laughed as we gathered up stuff to head home for a few hours. "Sounds like a plan! I'll see you girls there!" I stated as I started to head home, blowing Brian a kiss as he sat talking with the guys.

I was just past Matt's yard when Brian came running down the sidewalk after me and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Where are you running off to without kissing me goodbye huh?" he mumbled against my skin with a smile on his face as his teeth nipped at my neck. I giggled as Brian's nips raised goose bumps on my skin and attempted to keep walking "I have to go home and take a shower silly. Then the girls are meeting up at Jimmy's so we can finish getting ready for your guys show tonight" I laughed as Brian continued walking with me, his arms around my waist the whole time. "It really means a lot to me to have you there tonight baby girl" he stated quietly as we walked on a few more feet before I finally gave up walking and turned in Brian's arms so I could face him. "I'll always support you babe, you and the guys. Even if we aren't'll always have my support" I vowed to him. "What do you mean 'if we aren't together'?" he questioned with a scowl as he pulled me in tight to him. "I'm not letting you go...ever. Do you think you can get away from me?" he frowned further. "No Brian that's not what I meant baby, I just meant if I couldn't be there physically or something that you will always have my support. Trust me, I'm not going anywhere" I teased before standing on tip toe to kiss his frown away. Brian smiled against my lips a second later as he cupped my ass in his hands and lifted me up off the ground, causing me to wrap my legs around his waist as we kissed right in the middle of the sidewalk, not caring who was around to see. Brian finally released me to stand on my feet and ran his fingers through my long hair over and over again "I love you baby girl" he groaned down at me as I toyed with his hair. "Mmm that's good, cause I love you too. Now...I really have to get back home so I can take a nice, long, hot shower and get sexy for you" I teased as I pulled myself free from his arms and jogged off towards home, giggling as he yelled after me with a smile on his face "GOD DAMN TEASE!"

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