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"Trust me Georgia! It will be a party to remember!" Jimmy cackled in my ear as he told me about the elaborate plans he had for his birthday party this weekend. "Oh I believe it will be Jim Jam! How many tranquilizers and handcuffs should I bring?" I joked with him as we talked further about the plans. I didn't hear Brian come home and sneak up behind me till his sweaty arms were around me and he was plastering his sweaty face against the side of mine. "Awe babe! You're all sweaty!" I whined theatrically at Brian with a smirk over my shoulder. "And on that note I'm out!" Jimmy laughed "Love ya Georgia!" he stated happily before hanging up. I clicked the off button on our cordless home phone and turned to face Brian "So did you beat Matt in push up's this time?" I chuckled as he grinned down at me, sweat still dripping from his forehead. "Nah he still holds that record. But I sure out ran his ass!" Brian chuckled as he stripped his shirt off and headed to the kitchen for a drink. "Brian" I chided as I watched him go for a can of Coca-Cola. "Damn, busted again" he laughed and grabbed a bottle of water, chugging the thing in one swift chug. "You're damn right you're busted" I laughed as I tossed his gym towel at him "That shit is horrible for you! Especially after working out!" I teased as he wiped his face and neck free of sweat while grinning at me. "But it tastes so much better!" he whined in a childlike voice, making me giggle that much more. "That may be but after strenuous exercise it is NOT the drink to grab!" I scolded lightly. Brian rolled his eyes and smiled at me "Yea yea. I'm gonna hop in the shower. Care to join me?" he stated darkly with a wiggle of his eye brows.

"Oh...I suppose I could be persuaded" I purred at him as I stripped off my plain gray t-shirt and cotton shorts, exposing my white thong and bra set. Brian hummed deep in his throat as his eyes roamed over my body while he closed the distance between us. "You're persuading my dick into action right about now gorgeous" he growled softly in my ear before picking me up and carrying me up the stairs to the bathroom. We quickly shed the rest of our clothing before climbing in the shower stall and cranking the water on. "So what are you gonna wear to Jimmy's birthday party?" Brian asked over his shoulder as he lathered up his body while I washed my hair. "'ll see" I teased as I rinsed my hair and began the long labor of shaving. Before long we were climbing out of the shower and getting dressed, Brian's restraint on his sexual appetite amazing me, but I think he was more excited to go have fun at Jimmy's birthday party which truth be told so was I! I slipped on my skin tight, red mini dress and black high heels before tying my long hair back to let the curls air dry. Brian had quickly dressed and was downstairs taking care of Pinkly for the night so she wouldn't hopefully make too big of a mess in the kitchen that we blocked her off in.

"BABE COME ON OR WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I heard Brian yell up to me a few minutes later. I smiled and rolled my eyes at his obvious excitement as I finished hooking the small diamond heart necklace he gave me on our first Valentine's day together before sliding the Claddagh on my right hand. I grabbed my small black clutch purse before spritzing perfume on and prancing down the stairs. "I'm coming I'm coming!" I teased with a laugh as I hit the landing and smiled at Brian's bug eyed expression as his eyes surveyed my outfit...or what there was of it! "Goddamn woman you are looking sexy as fuck! Holy fucking shit!" he all but panted as he walked over and pulled me into him, kissing the air right from my lungs as he did so. "I'm glad you approve" I chuckled as I took his hand and left the condo, locking the door behind me as we left. "Oh I definitely approve alright! Just as long as no other guy gets any ideas...cause I will DEFINITELY fuck their shit up!" he stated with a menacing scowl. "Brian relax. We're guy is going to stand a chance with me" I cooed to him as he started the car and drove the short distance to Jimmy's condo.

In no time at all we were walking through Jimmy's front door and into one HELL of a party! Music and lights filled the air as well as loud talk and laughter as Brian gripped my hand and lead me back towards the kitchen where we could hear Jimmy's loud, happy laughter over everything else. "GEORGIA!" he bellowed happily as he spotted me and wrapped his arms around me in a smothering hug. I laughed as I hugged Jimmy tightly and leaned up to kiss his cheek "Happy birthday Jim Jam!" I stated loudly in his ear before moving aside so Brian could hug him as they were prone to doing. I left Brian's side as he stood talking to Jimmy and headed over to where Zoe, Allie and Gena stood talking, beer in hand. "Hey sexy lady!" Zoe exclaimed happily as she spotted me first and hugged me fiercely. I hugged the other two girls before we got lost in talk of the guys rising success, my upcoming wedding and everything else in between. "You know you have to have a bachelorette party right?!" Allie laughed as we began dancing in place to the music. "Yea I was thinking about it" I laughed loudly as Brian came up from behind me and handed me a mixed drink that suspiciously smelled mostly of alcohol. "BRIAN HANER ARE YOU TRYING TO GET ME DRUNK?!" I laughed loudly, pushing the drink away from my face. "MAYBE!" he laughed back as he hugged my body tight up against his and buried his nose in my hair. "NOT HAPPENING MISTER! SOMEONE HAS TO DRIVE HOME SOBER!" I laughed back before kissing him lightly on the lips. "Yea yea!" he teased before drinking half the drink in one gulp. "YOU GIRLS HAVE FUN! BUT NOT TOO MUCH FUN!" he laughed before smacking my ass playfully and heading back towards the guys as they stood around talking and laughing obnoxiously.

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