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My emotions and body were running haywire by this point, I was so frazzled and on edge with everything that had just happened between us that when I felt the tip of his tongue skim across my bottom lip I quivered in his arms a split second before tracing the tip of my tongue along his lips. I felt Brian's whole body consume me as he angled my head more and without hesitation dove into my mouth. Our tongues met gently yet erotically, softly gliding over and around each other as we deepened our kiss further. Brian pulled me in tight to his chest a moment later and began making out with me more aggressively...more passionately this time. I'm pretty sure I whimpered against his mouth as his tongue wrestled for dominance over mine and won, Brian's one hand slid all the way down my back and to my butt before gently cupping my cheek in his hand and pushing my lower half into him, I instantly felt the telltale signs of how much he was enjoying this pressed up against my lower belly which in turn made my heart skip so many beats I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I instantly wanted to go above and beyond my limits with Brian but I also knew I'd regret any hasty and rash decisions I made so I chose to keep my impatient thoughts to myself for the time being; besides from just the feel of his erection pressed up against me I could tell that if we ever did have sex it was going to hurt and it was going to hurt BAD! That thought alone scared me back down a notch or two as we continued making out where we stood till reluctantly Brian slowly pulled away after pecking my lips softly a few times.

"Fuck you're glowing" he panted softly as he gazed at my face and pushed my hair back away from the sides of my face. "It's your fault" I teased softly with a silly smile on my face as he took hold of my hand and started guiding us further onto the beach. The sand was still warm and incredibly soft under my flip flops as we trudged on through the closing darkness, the smell of the ocean getting stronger and the sound of the waves rolling in and out getting louder. Finally Brian stopped by a post holding a pier high up out of the water and backed me up against it "I need to taste more of you, I need to kiss you again...and again and again and again" he panted softly as he pinned his body against mine and braced his arm over my head "Just stop me if I get carried away because once you and I start kissing I can't promise that I will know when to stop...until you tell me. Then I'll stop, I promise. Okay baby girl?" I grinned sweetly at the nick name again and nodded my head "Kiss me Brian" I whispered and pulled his head down to mine. My fingers found their home in his soft and thick I thought to myself as his tongue took over my mouth once again. A moment later Brian tore his mouth from mine only to feverishly trail his lips up and down my neck and collarbone instantly making me gasp for air and pant his name over and over in the summer night air.

Brian's hand cautiously slid underneath the hem of my shirt a moment later but he simply placed his hand high on my hip, flesh to flesh as he kissed his way back up to my mouth and anchored his lips to mine once again. We stood there making out for how long I couldn't tell you, it could have been ten minutes, it could have been ten hours; all I knew was that I was quickly and possibly falling for Brian and the thought alone scared me and excited me all in the same breath. Brian slowly pulled away a moment later and cursed under his breath "What's the matter Brian?" I asked cautiously, afraid I had somehow did something to make him stop kissing me "I fucking want you...bad" he groaned out before pushing away from me slightly. "I...I'm right here Brian" I said softly, confused at what he meant. Brian dropped his gaze back down to mine and sighed heavily "No...I mean I WANT you" he stated slowly as if the very action of saying the words hurt him. Brian dragged his eyes further down till I saw what he was getting at; although his jeans were on the baggy side and held up by a belt they didn't hide his obvious hardened desire.

I took a deep gulp and dragged my eyes back up to his only to see his eyes turn almost black with lust, longing, desire...I don't know what but I knew it was something along those lines and it terrified me but thrilled me all in one shot. Hesitantly I slowly reached for Brian and pulled him back into me "Brian kiss me" I whispered so softly I didn't think he heard me above the noise of the ocean waves but a moment later his lips were interlocking with mine again as he held me against him. We stood there making out intently for a few more minutes before Brian rested his forehead against mine as we struggled to catch our breath. "You're mine right?" he mumbled a minute later as he ever so softly brushed his lips across mine making me smile softly against him "Is that your way of asking me out again?" I mumbled against his mouth. "No...that's my way of asking you to be my girl" he smiled back against my lips.

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