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      It only took me six tries before I found the perfect dress for the occasion, made of a soft silky material the dress was floor length and form fitting with thin spaghetti straps and a low scooped neckline. The dress was a soft ivory color with a dark plum colored, thin velvet bow around the waist and had my nerves on high alert with a giddiness I didn't know I possessed. Allie found a shorter dress in a pretty shade of emerald for next to nothing after the sale discount; I grinned excitedly as I paid for my dress before we headed over towards a smaller jewelry store "Allie I don't know what size to get Brian!" I exclaimed sadly as we walked in and started looking around "Good thing I snuck his class ring from his car then" she giggled madly as she held out Brian's class ring for me. "Oh my god you are a genius!" I laughed then had the sales person size his ring.

Once armed with the size of his ring I began scouring the men's bands and finally settled on a sterling silver one with a neat tribal design carved in to it. Finally with ring in hand we scurried away to her car to head home so we could get ready. "I don't know if the guys will be back yet or not but we can get started since we'll take longer to get ready anyways!" she giggled breathlessly as she drove crazily through Huntington Beach. We ended up getting back to my parents' house before the guys did and raced upstairs to my bedroom to get ready, making sure to lock the door behind us so the guys couldn't sneak in while we were getting ready. Quickly we slipped in our dresses and although I offered to let Allie borrow a pair of my high heels she just laughed and brushed it away "I'll rock my flip flops and the dress as long as you don't mind" she giggled as she began primping her hair. "I don't mind in the least!" I laughed as I began applying makeup with a shaky hand...was this really going to happen? Were Brian and I REALLY going to get married today? I could barely contain my excitement at the thought; so much that I jumped and squealed when I heard Brian's car pull into the driveway and doors slam.

Soon enough I heard Jimmy's voice on the other side of the door "Knock knock, are you girls in there?" he said in a goofy, sing song voice "Yes we are in here but you guys can't come in yet!" I laughed as I finished pinning my hair back; I had left it hanging in soft, loose curls down my back but tied just a few small sections from the side back. "It's just me Georgia, your lover boy is downstairs waiting for you! Now let me in!" he laughed as he jiggled the door knob. Allie cracked the door open to make sure it was in fact just Jimmy before swinging the door wide open and pulling Jimmy into my room. "Wow kitten you look HOT!" Jimmy gushed at her as he smiled down at Allie; Jimmy had actually thrown on a black dress up shirt and loosely tied a bright blue tie around his neck making his eyes seem an impossible brilliant blue as his eyes landed on me finally. "Holy shit Georgia!" he whispered with a big smile as he came over and hugged me "You look great! He's gonna flip shit!" he laughed then held out his arm for me "Allow me to escort you to your waiting husband" he laughed. I took Jimmy's arm with a shaky hand as I grabbed my smaller messenger bag with my camera and Brian's hidden ring in it.

Allie headed down the stairs ahead of us and I could vaguely hear her telling Brian to shut up because she was covering his eyes no matter what he said. "OKAY! YOU CAN COME DOWN NOW!" she yelled up excitedly to us. Jimmy suddenly snapped to as if he was escorting the Queen of England which made me giggle nervously as we slowly walked down the stairs towards Brian and Allie. Sure enough she stood behind Brian on tip toe to keep his eyes covered and I smiled at the look of impatience on his face as he crossed his arms across his chest. Brian had dressed in head to toe black; black jeans, a silky, short sleeved button up dress shirt and a dark red tie around his neck making me smile like a love sick puppy as I heard Jimmy tell Allie to move her hands as we neared the bottom of the steps.

Brian's eyes quickly snapped open and a smile spread across his face as mine and Jimmy's feet hit the floor in front of him "Damn baby're gorgeous" he whispered with love as he held his hands out for me. I felt my cheeks flush under his compliment and gaze as I ducked my head down, Brian just laughed softly and lifted my face with one finger "I can't believe we're actually doing this" he whispered "Now you'll always be mine in every sense of the word. Shit this is so crazy!" he laughed as excitement built behind his warm brown eyes. "Well come on crazy lovers! We have a two hour drive ahead of us and I'm sure I'll have to drive so you two can sit in the back together" Jimmy cackled as he grabbed Brian's car keys off the counter. "Wait! Allie can you take a picture real quick?" I asked as I pulled my camera from the bag; Allie smiled brightly and took the camera while Brian wrapped his arms around me "Smile for the birdie!" she chirped as Jimmy danced like a maniac behind her making Brian and I both laugh lightly.

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