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The next morning I woke up disoriented and confused thanks to the cheap Mexican alcohol I had consumed...or had I? I lay in bed alone this time and frowned as I tried to remember if yesterday had really happened or not until I lifted my hand and saw my thin band of diamonds on my left ring finger; I knew then it wasn't a dream but a reality. I smiled happily as the memories came rushing back to me as I spied my dress on its hanger on the back of the door and Brian's red tie flung over the back of my love seat but where was Brian? I frowned slightly as I reached over to feel the pillow where his head laid and found it cool to the touch telling me he had been out of bed for a while. "Well no use in lying in bed all day" I muttered to myself as I climbed out of bed and tossed on yoga pants and a tank top before tying my hair up loosely on top of my head.

I trounced down the stairs just as Brian was coming through the front door with white boxes in his hands and Jimmy and Allie close behind him. I immediately felt a stupid love sick grin spread across my face as Brian came through the door and smiled brightly at me. "Well look at that, my wife is awake" he said in an almost giddy manner as he set the bakery boxes down and pulled me in to him for a big kiss. "Morning" I said softly after he released me with a smile and a kiss to the forehead, I then hugged Allie and Jimmy both, just holding on to Jimmy a little longer than usual. "Thank you for yesterday Jim Jam" I said softly as I squeezed him "That was the best spur of the moment surprise ever" I grinned after he squeezed me back and kissed my forehead. "You're welcome Georgia although I didn't do anything really...I mean why wait until you're in your twenties to get married? I knew you guys would get hitched!" he said with a grin. I turned back to the counter to find a vast array of bagels, cream cheese, donuts, muffins and croissant sandwiches in the now opened bakery boxes as Brian poured me a huge glass of orange juice. "Sorry baby but I can't cook at all so this will have to do" he said sheepishly with a smirk as he handed me the glass; I simply smiled up at him "I don't mind...It all looks delicious!"

After the four of us finished eating and cleaning up the mess we decided another day at the beach was in order, the weather was warmer than usual even for Southern California and gave us the perfect opportunity for some beach time. While Jimmy called Matt and Zack I helped Brian pack up his bag since mom and dad were due to come home tonight. I frowned as Brian zipped his bag shut before heading down to his car causing him pull me in to his chest softly "I know baby...I don't want to leave either but I have a funny feeling your dad would rather gouge his eyes out than to let me sleep over" he laughed lightly. Laying my head against Brian's chest I sighed heavily and trailed my nail in lazy circles over his heart "I just wish I could make him see reason...make him see how happy you make me without worrying about how much he'll freak out." Brian lifted my face to his and smiled gently at me "Don't worry baby, he'll see...someday he will see" he stated then pulled me out to his car so we could head to the beach.

Once we all gathered up at the beach in our spot between the rocks Jimmy burst out that yesterday Brian and I were married. "Wait WHAT?!" Matt exclaimed in surprise as he dropped the stuff in his arms into the sand "How the FUCK did they manage that?! Georgia aren't you 16?!" he exclaimed with a smirk. Jimmy quickly explained what went down yesterday before jabbing his finger in our direction "They even have rings!" he laughed happily. "What?! No way!" Zack exclaimed with a huge grin on his face as Brian and I both lifted our hands up so the gang could see them. "Holy shit Brian! That's amazing!" Zoe laughed before turning to me "So you're really married?! That's so crazy!" she laughed with a big smile "You're lucky though honestly...I wish Matt would make that commitment to me" she said softly with a small smile as she stared at Matt's back. "I'm sure he'll come around" I stated optimistically as we ran down the beach to the rolling surf where the guys were already horsing around in the water. excitedly I jumped on Brian's back and caught him off guard sending us both into the water in fits of laughter and tangled limbs as we struggled against the rolling surf to upright ourselves. Finally on our own two feet I wrapped my arms around Brian's torso and pulled him in tight to me "I'm so happy Brian...I can't remember a time I've been happier" I told him quietly as I watched the guys horsing around with the girls a few feet from us. "Me too baby girl, me too" Brian said with a husky voice and tipped my chin back to kiss me, his tongue sliding sensually against mine as we kissed.

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