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-JUNE 2004-


"Oh my god this fucking heat is going to kill me Jenna!" I bitched for the umpteenth time this morning as we edged our way through the already gathering crowds of Georgia's biggest metal music fest. Jenna was my boss but also the only true friend I had since coming back to the states two years ago. Daddy had been ruthless on me once we moved back to Georgia and true to his threat, sent me overseas to a European boarding school but at least something good came from it. I saw so many amazing sights and learned from some of the best photographers while I was over there which landed me the job I had right now, a photographer for a small company that specialized in photoshoots and live shots of artists and while it wasn't my dream job it was a damn good job. Good enough that I was able to afford a small studio apartment and get out on my own, ever since daddy pulled me away from Huntington Beach things just weren't the same between us. I frowned as I thought back to that horrible day for a second before shaking my head to clear away the negativity, I needed to concentrate today. The heat was killing my mood as I shifted my heavy camera around my neck. "Listen Callie I need you to get as many up close pictures of the artists as you can. I'm gonna try and score some backstage passes for us!" Jenna yelled out over her shoulder as she headed off towards the back of the massive stage, leaving me to hang out in the front pit designated for professional photographers only.

"Fucking great" I griped under my breath as I tied my obscenely long hair high up on my head to get it off my neck for the day. Even though I was wearing a short skirt it was made of leather and didn't help much in the heat, I tugged at my studded tank top, hoping to pull a little bit of air in between my skin and the flimsy material of the tank top, no such luck though. I fiddled with the lens on my camera some more before taking a few shots of the stage set up before aiming my camera around at the crowds and some of the bands walking around backstage from where I could see. "Callie get your ass over here!" I heard Jenna yell out a moment later, waving two backstage passes wildly in the air, and a huge triumphant smile on her face. "How did you manage these?" I laughed as I made my way over to her and slipped the lanyard around my neck. "Oh...I have my ways" she laughed as she pulled me backstage and among the dozen or so bands that were walking around or warming up. "Yea I just bet you do! You are such a jezebel!" I laughed as we passed a group of rather obnoxious guys. "Callie shut up and do what I hired you for!" she laughed before smacking my ass playfully making me yell out in surprise. I started taking pictures at random, sometimes asking permission to take a picture and sometimes just taking one for the hell of it. It was while I was snapping various shots that I heard a voice in my ear, stopping me dead in my tracks "Georgia?! Is that you?!" I slowly turned around just in time to see brightly colored arms fly around me and lock me in a vice like hug. "HOLY FUCKING SHIT NO WAY! GODDAMMIT IT IS YOU!!" Jimmy's familiar voice flooded my ears as I hugged my very first friend from Huntington Beach. My eyes filled with tears of so many emotions I didn't quite know what to do except hug Jimmy back, my face smooshed against his bare chest.

After a few minutes Jimmy slowly released me to finally look me in the eye and give me his biggest, sweetest smile ever. "I can't believe it's you! You're fucking here! Of all fucking places!" he laughed as he laid smacking kisses to my forehead causing me to laugh happily through my tears. "I live here silly! You're the one who's out of place!" I teased as he held me at arm's length and surveyed me entirely "Damn Georgia you grew up!" he teased before yanking me by the hand and pulling me back behind the stage set up, amidst wires, cables, speakers and other various pieces of musical equipment. "Jimmy slow down!" I teased "I can't keep up with your long ass chicken legs in these heels!" I laughed through my happy tears as I did my best to jog after him but he wasn't really listening to me. "GUYS! LOOK WHO I FOUND!" he yelled out happily a second later as he pulled me up next to his side. Immediately I recognized two of the three guys that turned to face Jimmy. "Matt! Zack! Oh my god!" I yelled happily as I lunged at both of them, their arms already out to catch me in a hug between the two of them. "Holy shit Georgia!" they both laughed as they hugged me tightly for a moment before pulling back slightly to look at me. "Georgia this is Johnny, our bassist and basically our punching bag!" Zack teased as he elbowed a short, younger looking guy in the ribs "Ha-ha fuck you Zacky!" he whined before waving hi to me. I could feel Matt's eyes on me as I talked to Zack for a minute before turning to Matt and smiling "Well, I must say you've grown some!" I teased as I took in Matt's massive biceps and upper torso now practically covered with tattoos. Matt laughed loudly, his dimples coming to the surface as the sun glinted off a lip ring "I could say the same thing about you Georgia! Holy shit are you fucking hot!" he exclaimed as he told hold of my hands and pulled me in closer to him. "Shut up Sanders!" I laughed as I attempted to push back on his chest "Zoe will kick my ass if she hears you talking to me like that!" Matt's smile dipped slightly before he shook his head "Nah she won't...we broke up a while back" he stated simply.

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