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      "Baby...I need a shower. I reek of sweat and sex" Brian groaned hoarsely with a drunken smile on his face as we came to. I smiled back at him and pulled him up off the bed with me "Me too" I giggled "Let's shower together and save time" I stated confidently as I swiped up the remaining few condoms and headed towards the bathroom. "Baby...what exactly do you have planned with those in your hand?" Brian groaned happily behind me as he shut the door to the bathroom "Well...I'm sure not going to make water balloons out of them" I giggled as I started up the water and set the condoms along the top of the tiled wall. "Looks to me like you know what I'm going to do with them and are preparing for battle" I giggled with flushed cheeks as I glanced down at Brian's obvious erection before grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and walking inside the shower stall. Losing my virginity to Brian last night had bolstered my confidence in a way I never thought possible and suddenly made me hungry for everything else he had to offer, not to mention I immediately felt the sense of belonging with Brian, he belonged to me and I belonged to him...Allie was right, we were soulmates.

     I smiled around my toothbrush as Brian stepped in the shower stall with me, his toothbrush in his mouth as well as we brushed our teeth in silence. Eventually we went through the normal shower routine with Brian finishing before me while I finished on my hair. "So, what do you want to do today?" he asked as he leaned against the shower wall and watched me comb conditioner through my long hair "You mean besides you?" I giggled making his eyes darken with lust as he grinned slowly at me "Well we can start there..." he trailed off as he pulled me into him and kissed me. As we kissed I slowly reached in between us and started lightly stroking his demanding erection which in turn caused him to groan into my mouth as we kissed. "Fuck baby girl" he panted against my neck after kissing his way down there "Wanna try a new position?" he growled hotly against my flesh as he blindly reached for a condom above him. "Mmm...yes please" I murmured hotly into the air as he backed away enough to slip on the condom before pulling me back into him.

     Wordlessly Brian slowly turned me in his arms and guided my hands up the shower wall in front of me before lightly pulling back on my hips till I was bent at the angle he wanted "Ready baby?" he panted hotly from behind me as he ran his hands all over my back and sides. I nodded my head as the heat spread throughout my body from this position. Soon enough I felt Brian pushing into me while he held on to my hips till I was completely on him, I let out a lusty sigh and bit my lip as Brian began thrusting into me in a rhythmic manner. It seemed like in no time we were both reaching our orgasms at the same time and with a final violent thrust into me we both went limp against the shower wall. "Brian what have you done to me?" I panted breathlessly with a drunken smile on my face as we shut the shower off and stepped out into the bathroom. Brian just smirked at me as he wrapped a towel around me before taking care of himself. "What do you mean baby?" he asked as he tied the towel around his waist.

     "You have turned me into a wanton hussy, a jezebel" I giggled as I tied my hair up in a towel. " would be those things if you did that with a bunch of guys, not with your boyfriend" Brian said with a lazy smile as he began dressing in shorts and a Pantera shirt "What you are now is a sex sweet, sex crazed Georgia Peach who I will GLADLY supply with unlimited amounts of physical attention" he smirked darkly as he ran his fingers through his hair quickly. I frowned slightly at that as I slipped into my clothes before French braiding my hair quickly and tightly...was this going to turn into a purely physical relationship? Was all the other aspects of our budding relationship going to dissipate now that I had given in and had sex with Brian? My ideas must have increased the frown on my face because as I finished braiding my hair I felt Brian grasp my hips lightly and turn me towards him "Callie...what's the matter? Did I say something wrong?" he asked as confusion creased his eyebrows. "Brian...I realize we're this...I mean is our relationship going to be strictly physical now? I mean...crap..." I sighed heavily as I tied off my hair and took a deep breath "Is everything else going to end between us now that I've had sex with you?"

     I stared at Brian hard, terrified on the inside of what he would say to me but it had to be said, I wanted to know where we stood. Brian seemed almost angry at my question and I feared this might have ruined what we had going...stupid idiot! I scolded myself as tears formed in my eyes as the silence grew between us till Brian sighed heavily and pulled me into him "Not at all" he simply said in hushed tones "Yea we're teenagers...I'm a horny 17 year old guy and you're a gorgeous 16 year old girl that has just found the pleasures of the physical aspect of a relationship. That doesn't mean the rest of it goes least not from me it won't...I can swear on that, okay baby girl? Are we okay?" he asked softly as he tilted my face up to his, his face still filled with worry. A smile quickly formed on my face as his words sunk in, I silently nodded my head and wrapped my arms loosely around his waist "I was hoping you'd say something like that Brian" I said softly "Because whether you realize this or not, you have affected my life in a way that it will never be reversed...Brian, at the risk of scaring you off...I don't think I can do without you in my life anymore." I wasn't really planning on admitting that out loud much less out loud to Brian but it just kind of flew from my mouth and before I had time to worry about the effects of my words a beautiful smile spread across his face.

     Brian pulled me into him and kissed my forehead " music to my ears" he stated happily then suddenly picked me up in his arms causing me to squeal happily as he carried me out into my bedroom and over to the bed where we tumbled down onto the mattress together in a tangle of arms and legs making me laugh excitedly. "I always thought it was going to take years for a female to tame me but here I am at fucking 17 and are a witch" he smirked at me as he ran his hands lightly over my body before tugging my hips into his "What kind of spell did you put on me?" he muttered hoarsely against my throat. I moaned softly and cupped the back of Brian's head to me "What kind of spell did you put on ME?" I panted softly as he began sucking at the base of my throat.

     Brian lifted his face to mine and kissed my nose a moment later before smiling as he pulled me off the bed with him "The same spell you put on me apparently Georgia" he teased "Come on, let's go for a drive. I want to show you around California." We made it half way down the stairs before an idea came to me and I released Brian's hand "Head down to the car Brian, I'll be right down. I forgot my purse" I said and jogged back up the stairs. Truthfully I did forget my purse but I also wanted my Nikon and as my cheeks flushed, I pulled a full box of condoms out of the nightstand and stuffed it at the bottom of my purse...just in case I thought with a smile as I ran down the stairs where Brian stood waiting at the front door for me. "Ready gorgeous?" he said with a smirk as he opened the door for me "Ready!" I exclaimed happily as he pulled the door shut behind us.

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