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The morning came swift and fast and with it was another flurry of excitement as we gathered all our luggage for our short trip to our all-inclusive honeymoon getaway, situated on the brilliant blue waters of the Adriatic Sea. In keeping with the wedding festivities still going on inside my heart I dressed in a cute white sundress complete with a large floppy white hat to shade my face from the blazing bright sun that was riding high in the sky by the time Brian and I stepped outside the hotel with everyone gathering around to see us off. The guys gathered around and hugged Brian tight one more time before reminding him that when we got back to Cali he better be ready to hit the ground running as they would be in their final stages of getting ready to release City Of Evil. We had so much going on for us once we got home that anxiety started to settle in my stomach as I hugged and kissed my parents goodbye, chewing on my lip with worry as I mentally ticked off what we had yet to handle. Brian needed to help kick COE off the ground; our first ultrasound was May 25th and we had our high school reunion the end of June...all while trying to prepare ourselves for a new baby and hoping like hell we could find a house. Not that the condo wasn't decent, I just didn't want to have the baby there. All these worries floated around in my mind as I finished saying goodbye to everyone, hugging Jimmy a second time over for good measure since he always seemed to soothe my frayed nerves. "Georgia why the long face? You're supposed to be happy, not look like you're being led to your execution" he teased as he draped his long arm around my shoulders while Brian's parents hugged him and chattered excitedly to him about something.

Before I even realized I was doing it, I was telling Jimmy my worries and doubts about all we had left to face ahead of us and Jimmy like his usual self just stood and listened to me, a faraway look on his face and a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "Listen Georgia if anyone knows Brian better than you it's me and I know that fucker will get everything handled and get you guys a house. Even if he has to work himself to the bone, he will take care of his business and make sure you and the baby are taken care of. Mark my words; you guys will have a house before my niece is born." I started to open my mouth to argue with Jimmy about how could he be so certain when it dawned on me what he said. "Just how do you know we're going to have a girl?" I teased as I nudged my shoulder into his rib cage as I stood next to him. Jimmy gave me his famous crooked grin and winked his blue eyes at me "I just know. Mark my words, you're having a girl...and Gates is going to flip shit and be the most over protective daddy in history...but he'll be a total softie too" he whispered in my ear with a cackle. Suddenly I envisioned Brian holding a tiny little girl with dark hair and a bow in her hair and I couldn't help but tear up at the image. Jimmy chuckled as he wiped my tears away and kissed my forehead "Mark my words will be a girl!" he stated as he walked off towards Allie as our cab neared and Brian tossed our luggage into the trunk of the cab before holding his hand out to me, a smile on his gorgeous face. "Ready beautiful?" I gave Brian a smile as I took his hand in mine and leaned up to kiss him, giggling against his lips as he ducked under the wide brim of my hat to kiss me. With one more flurry of goodbyes and I love you's to everyone we were tucked away in the cab and off to our own private little villa suite situated right on the water.

For the duration of the ride there we were content to just sit and watch the scenery pass by, occasionally talking about what we were going to do for our week here in Italy but mostly just relaxing in the comfortable silence between us, his arm draped loosely around my shoulders.

We finally arrived and hauled our luggage out and once Brian was done tipping the cab driver we headed inside to check in to our suite that daddy and momma had paid for as a wedding present to us. After signing some paperwork the antique brass key was handed to me and I shot Brian a questioning look...what kind of room would this be if it still had an antique brass key for the door? Brian just shrugged his shoulders, grabbed the two biggest bags and nodded his head in the direction the desk clerk pointed us in. We made our way down this long corridor before turning right and heading down a shorter one, our room at the very end, facing us as soon as we turned the corner. Brian dropped the suitcases as soon as we reached the door and took the key from me, opening the door easily enough after just a slight turn of the key. "After you m'lady" he stated theatrically as he bowed, his arms swept off to the side making me giggle and shove him backwards as I crossed over the threshold. "Holy shit" we both said at the same time as we entered into the main room and stopped dead in our tracks. The room literally looked like something only the rich and famous could easily afford and screamed sensual and Italian all at the same time. The room was light and airy due to all the windows and French doors that faced the sea and the colors of the room were warm, neutral shades that just seemed to add to the ambience of the suite. The living room area boasted a huge stone fireplace with an incredibly soft rug in front of it and piles of wood already stacked in the basket on the hearth. There were two leather couches as well as a coffee table and a small kitchen and breakfast nook stood off to the one side. I walked over to the French doors and flung them wide open, cooing in awe at the breathtaking scenery that lay before me. We not only had a view of the brilliant, clear blue sea but it was secluded and totally private giving me delicious chills down my back. Two chaise lounge chairs with thick, soft cushions occupied the balcony and in the corner I noticed another set of French doors which a second later swung inward as Brian opened them, a smirk plastered to his face.

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