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Prom successfully wrapped up twenty minutes later and while some girls were dramatically crying that this was the last school function for them the 8 of us were gearing up for a night of excitement as we headed out to the front desk to gather up our room keys. Brian and Jimmy were mumbling quietly to each other as us girls gathered up our small overnight bags and I couldn’t help but wonder what exactly those two were up to. By the time I neared Brian, Jimmy had caught sight of me and nodded his head in my direction, signaling to Brian that I was behind him. Brian turned to me with a devilish smirk on his face and held his hand out to me “Ready gorgeous?” he asked with a hint of conspiracy on his words as Jimmy chuckled knowingly behind me. “Oh I’m ready…what are you plotting though mister?” I giggled excitedly as he pulled me over to the elevators where the rest of the gang was waiting to head upstairs. “I guess you’ll just have to find out won’t you?” he teased as we all piled into the elevator together and rode it up to the 6th floor. Once we were all out we split off in different directions towards our rooms, with Brian pulling me by the hand down a longer hall. “Ah here we are” he teased warmly as he handed me the room key and stood by as I opened the door with a questioning look on my face. “Brian what’s with all the sec-“my words were cut off as I opened the door into a gorgeous beach view suite with a hot tub in the corner of the room. “How…” I gasped softly as I spun in a complete circle in the middle of the room while he dropped our bags on the dresser. “How did I afford this? That’s what you’re asking isn’t it?” he laughed as he yanked off the bow tie and pulled off his jacket and cummerbund. “I saved every penny from working and dad loaned me a couple of bucks so I could get this room…consider it a honeymoon of sorts gorgeous” he crooned in my ear as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in tight to him.

                My face flushed with excitement as Brian held me to him and I couldn’t help but smile widely at him “You are just too perfect you know that? I can’t believe you’d do all this for me” I murmured up to him. “Believe it beautiful…I’ll do just about anything for you…murder, mayhem, theft…you name it, it’s yours” he groaned gravelly in my ear as he took hold of the zipper on the back of my dress and began slowly unzipping my dress as he held me to his chest, placing the softest kisses on my shoulders as he did so. “Brian…” I whispered breathlessly as he continued pulling on the zipper till it reached the end. “Hmm” “Can we just forget for tonight that we’re teenagers about to graduate high school? Can we just act like adults with nothing but time for each other on our hands?” I gushed softly as I began unbuttoning his dress shirt slowly. “We can do whatever you want beautiful” he mumbled hoarsely in my ear as I smoothed my hands up his now bared chest and pushed his shirt off his shoulders, his eyes sparking hotly as I helped pull his shirt off his arms and tossed it on the chair nearby. “Well in that case…I want to spend the night naked and sweaty” I whispered heavily, my blood drumming in my ears heavily. Brian took a big gulp before stepping out of his dress shoes and socks in one quick movement before pulling me back to him “I think I can manage that” he whispered heatedly in my ear as he helped me slip out of my dress. I felt Brian’s eyes slide over me as I stood before him in a strapless, lacey black bra and thong lingerie set, the garter belt holding up my stockings a mere scrap of lace sitting low around my hips. “Holy fucking shit!” he gushed in hushed tones as he slid his hands lightly over my exposed skin before pulling the hooks open on my bra and tossing it carelessly over his shoulder. I squealed excitedly as Brian grasped my butt in his hands and lifted me up against his chest, wrapping my hands around his neck we began kissing frantically as he stumbled forward towards the bed and dropped me down onto it.

                I thought Brian was going to take his time with me but he quickly yanked off my heels, stockings and garter belt in quick succession before nudging his body in between my bent legs. Leaning over me he finally slowed his pace and began kissing every inch of my body that he could as he worked his way down to my waist, pulling my thong slowly off as he went. My breath hitched hard in my throat as he pushed at my thighs, trying to situate his broad shoulders in between my legs as he did so. “Open up for me baby” he groaned in a hoarse whisper as he pushed at my legs more. I situated my body as best as I could around him but the second his lips touched my sensitive, fevered flesh my back arched and I cooed his name loudly into the air. Brian began kissing, sucking and licking so softly and so slowly that I thought I was going to crawl out of my skin with madness as his mouth tortured and made love to me. Before long I could feel that white hot ball of ecstasy building up inside me and I began begging Brian breathlessly “Brian…oh god! Brian! Please!” I panted over and over again till he sucked my clit into his mouth and made me scream out loud and without restraint. I could feel Brian smile against me as he continued his oral torture on me while I rode the powerful orgasm till finally I collapsed onto the bed, a twitching ,quivering mess. Brian only gave me a few seconds to gather myself before he was on top of me again, sliding himself deep inside of me with one swift thrust. For the next two hours we literally couldn’t keep our hands off each other as we had sex numerous times over till we finally fell into an exhausted heap of sweaty body limbs, so tangled up in each other we couldn’t manage to un-tangle ourselves so we just fell asleep as we lay, spent but totally in blissful, unknowing love for one another.

                The sun rose early in the morning, waking me first and I felt my need for Brian rising quickly as I glanced over at him sleeping on his stomach, completely naked. I began kissing Brian’s shoulder nearest to me in a soft and slow manner till he finally cracked open one eye and smiled at me while rolling onto his side. “Good morning gorgeous girl” he croaked sleepily as he tucked my body into his and kissed the top of my head. “Morning babe” I mumbled happily before kissing his chest, right above his heart and snuggling my face into his chest more causing him to chuckle softly. “Brian…I don’t want this to end” I mumbled emotionally a moment later. Brian sighed deeply and tugged my one leg up over his hip, his hot erection brushing against my groin immediately “It won’t babe…just think of it this way. You’ll go to college somewhere out here since I can’t convince you otherwise and as soon as the guys and I can get the band off the ground I’ll be able to afford my own apartment. Then you and I can move in together and once you turn 18…then we can get married for real.” I smiled at Brian’s words but then frowned and pushed back against him so I could look him straight in the eye “But Brian you and I both know that daddy won’t go for that! He’ll flip shit if I tell him I’m moving in with you! And for us to get married at 18…good lord he’ll have a heart attack!” Brian took my face in his hand and looked me dead on “Callie do you love me? Do you really want to get married someday? Live with me?” he asked all this with quiet, baited breath as if he was expecting the worst. “Of course I do Brian! I love you with every fiber in my body and to truly, legally be your wife…well…that’s all I could ever want” I gushed happily then sighed in contentment as he rocked his hips up into me and brought me through two more amazing orgasms.  “That’s all I want angel…you and I …forever” he panted softly down to me before picking up the pace and hammering into me over and over again.

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