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      Monday morning I couldn't get dressed for school fast enough knowing that Brian would be waiting for me at the sidewalk. Although we were only separated a week it felt like an eternity and I dressed hastily to give myself more time with Brian before school. I grabbed an apple and a bottle of water from the fridge before dashing outside, my hair flying out behind me as all four of the guys stood waiting for me, smiles on their faces. The guys laughed as I launched myself into Brian's open arms and teased us about being moronic idiots that couldn't be apart if we wanted to go on living. "Dude shut the fuck up" Brian teased Zack after Zack got done making gag faces while we kissed. "You two are disgusting!" Zack laughed as we headed towards school. "Yea they are...but I'm glad they're back together. Now Brian won't be such an asshole!" Matt teased as we walked inside and over to the lockers. "Oh don't be too sure of that...I'm still an asshole" Brian bit back with a grin on his face as he held me around the waist with one arm while dialing the combination to our locker with his other.

      We all stood around and bantered back and forth for a few minutes before the warning bell went off, signaling we had a minute to get to class. "I'll see you at lunch baby" Brian stated hurriedly as he kissed me softly before rushing off towards his class while Jimmy and I headed towards home room. History and Math seemed to take forever today and while I enjoyed Matt and Jimmy's company in History and Zack's help in Math class I was super antsy to get out to the common area for lunch and pretty much dragged Zack by the arm getting there. "Damn woman let go before you pull my arm out of the socket!" he teased as we reached outside a few minutes later. I spotted Brian and Jimmy at the table and wove my way through the tables to get to them, shooting Brian a huge smile as I reached them. "Hey baby" he stated with a huge smile as he leaned in to kiss me after I sat down in between him and Jimmy. "If you two start making out again I'm gonna throw cold water on you!" Matt teased after throwing his empty bag of chips at us as we kissed in a quick pecking manner. "Oh shut up Sanders! Be happy they're back together again" Jimmy teased as he came to our defense. "Oh I am, I just have to give them shit" he stated with a wink as his dimples emerged from his smile. "Gee I love you too Matt" I stated with fake sarcasm, my smile giving away the truth to my words. "AWEEE! HOW SWEET!" Matt teased me before lightly kicking my leg under the table. "You're the best Georgia" he rectified and gave me a genuine, heartfelt smile.

      Biology came up next and the teacher gave Brian quite the attitude for being absent all of last week till Brian finally had enough and stated with quite a bit of restraint that he would make up the missed assignments and not do it again. Finally mollified, the teacher shut the lights off and started up the movie we had to watch on plant organisms. Jimmy drifted off to sleep almost immediately, leaving Brian and I to ourselves which meant we were mostly whispering in each other's ears and sneaking in a few, quick kisses when the teacher wasn't facing us. "Baby will you help me catch up on my homework?" Brian whispered softly in my ear towards the end of class. "Of course I will...why don't you come home with me and we can study some today?" I offered as we packed away our books. Brian shot me a look, making me chuckle and shake my head. "Don't go getting any ideas. Mom will be home" I said as the light came on and I nudged Jimmy in the gut to wake him up before the teacher noticed. Truth be told I wasn't quite ready to jump back into bed with Brian after what happened on Halloween. Not that I was scared or untrusting of him, I just felt like it was too soon and could possibly create flashbacks that I didn't want or need.

      I could tell this news disappointed Brian but he still pulled me in for a quick kiss before heading off to his other class. "As long as we can be together...and you can work miracles on my homework" he teased. I laughed as I headed off in the opposite direction with Jimmy to finish off my last two classes before the dreaded Spanish came up. Seeing as how I wasn't there Friday when we were supposed to do the five minute conversation with our partners I didn't know what would happen. All I knew was that I couldn't afford a bad grade. Thankfully the teacher understood my excused absence and told Brian and I that we could make it up at the end of class. While I was grateful for the opportunity to make it up I was also scared as hell. Brian had been helping me from the start of school with my Spanish but my accent hindered it so badly that I was afraid the teacher would just laugh and give me a bad grade.

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