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      Sure enough the very next afternoon Brian came over to see how I was doing and ended up spending the day with me. My foot really ached when I woke up and until my mom came back with the prescription pain meds I had Brian to distract me and distract me he did! Daddy had left to go to work for a few hours, leaving Brian and I all alone in the living room and while we couldn't do much without knowing when mom would return, we did settle into the couch and start making out pretty heavily, my hands roaming all over his chest. We finally eased up on kissing each other senseless a few minutes later and settled for cuddling more into the couch, our arms wrapped around each other firmly as I flipped through channels on the TV. "Christmas is coming up soon...what do you want baby?" Brian questioned a few minutes after I started channel surfing. I smiled as I looked up at him and shrugged my shoulders "Nothing really Brian, you've spoiled me so much already and there's nothing I really need or want. My ring was perfect" I stated lovingly while holding my hand up to make the light jump off my ring. "Well...give me some ideas or you'll be forced to suffer with what I come up with on my own" he laughed as he hugged me into him, making me laugh. "I'll be happy with whatever you get me Brian, truly I will. I just hope you like what I got you" I stated softly, a hint of mischievousness in my voice. "Wait a minute?! You already got me something?! That's not fair! Now I really have to step up my game!" he lamented with a crooked grin on his face as he dropped his head back against the cushions.

"I did...but in my defense I had to get it as soon as it became available. Otherwise I wouldn't have gotten the best one" I teased, watching confusion and wonder cross his face as he struggled to think of what I could have possibly gotten him. "Well now I'm really curious to see what you got me. You're a tease you know that? A tease" he mumbled softly as he came up over me so I was lying beneath him. " will be home any minute" I panted softly as his hands slid up my legs and to my ass where he grabbed a hold of to yank me under him more. "I know, I'll be a good boy I promise" he muttered darkly against my throat as he began kissing and nibbling my sensitive flesh there. "I just want to have a little taste...that's all. Just a little one" he panted softly in my ear as his hand slid under my yoga pants and straight to the center of me. Brian groaned deeply in his chest as he slid two fingers deep inside my wetness and began fingering me, slowly and gently while I gripped his biceps tightly with both hands. "Come for me baby, don't fight me. Let it go" he whispered hotly in my ear as he increased his speed, making me wetter still. I began whining uncontrollably as his fingers pleasured me till I couldn't take it anymore, I arched myself up into him and panted his name over and over again while he brought me over the edge of ecstasy...and not a minute too soon because as soon as he slowly pulled his hands from my pants we could hear the garage door open, signaling that mom was home.

Brian winked down at me before pulling me back up into a sitting position and headed off towards the bathroom, leaving me to collect myself alone. Once mom was inside she brought me a glass of water, my pain meds and a banana, explaining that it was best to eat something with the medicine so I didn't upset my stomach. I began peeling the banana as Brian came out of the bathroom and greeted my mom before flopping back down on the couch next to me, pulling my legs up onto his lap as he did so. Mom again invited Brian to dinner as she began preparing the meatloaf which Brian readily agreed to with a guilty, indulgent smirk on his face "I always did love homemade meatloaf" he stated with a wink in my direction as he began rubbing my uninjured foot with a nice even pressure. "Well I hope it lives up to your expectations Brian" mom laughed as she pulled stuff from the fridge. "To be honest, princess there makes a much tastier one" she stated proudly as she turned the oven on to preheat. "Oh really now?" Brian stated softly with a warm look at me as I downed the pills and began nibbling on the tip of the banana. "Ouch" Brian mouthed to me with a fake painful look on his face as he cupped his hand over his groin making me think naughty evil thoughts. I made sure mom was thoroughly engrossed with what she was doing in the kitchen before nudging Brian with my leg to capture his attention fully and slid the banana all the way in my mouth before licking at the tip once I pulled it back out.

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