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"Brian come on or we're gonna be late!" I yelled out, straightening the maternity dress out around my rapidly growing bump. "Yea, yea" he muttered, coming out of our master bath a moment later, struggling to pull his black t-shirt down over his body. I snickered softly and walked over, pulling on the bunched-up material till it smoothed down his chest. "You look totally mouthwatering by the way" I stated softly, running my hands up his chest slowly. "You know..." he stated with a smirk as he pulled me into him "We could say fuck this reunion and just stay here and fuck instead. It's been a while anyways" he teased, kissing my neck in hopes to make me cave. I silently cursed my body for coming alive as soon as his lips touched my pulse point and weakly pushed him away with a laugh. "We had sex yesterday Brian!" Brian shrugged and smirked at me, grabbing me close again. "So? That was ages ago...I'm horny nowwww" he whined huskily in my ear, his hands roaming all over my backside. "Just a quickie Brian...we have to leave...oh...oh my..." I sighed heavily as he scooped me up and with one hand, managed to unbuckle his belt. His jeans dropped around his ankles a moment later as he tugged my dress up to my waist, groaning heavily against my mouth.

"Oh god Brian don't tease me" I whined softly, tugging at his hair gently but with enough pressure to let him know what I wanted. Without another word, he slid deep inside me with one swift thrust, held onto my thighs firmly and shuffled over to the bed, laying me down on the edge. Our eyes locked without a word between us as he began making love to me slow and gently. I arched my back a few moments later, panting my way through an orgasm. "That's my girl" he crooned softly, kissing me as his own orgasm finished. I smiled weakly and shoved at Brian "Alright you naughty man, enough seducing me. Let's go" I breathed out, standing up and attempting to straighten myself up while Brian yanked up his jeans. Brian shot me a crooked grin, kissed my temple and smacked my butt. "That was totally worth it" he mumbled softly in my ear "I can't wait to get you home tonight." My cheeks flushed with desire again as we made our way out to the SUV, driving the short distance to the high school where the reunion was being held.

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this" he teased as we made our way into the gym and over to a table where name badges with our senior pictures sat. I smirked as I grabbed both our tags, pinning his to his chest as he rolled his eyes. "Do I seriously have to wear this shit?" he whined cutely, looking embarrassed as I pulled him over to the entrance where I just saw Matt and Zoe come through. Zoe and I hugged while Matt and Brian stood around, whining about being at a stupid reunion. "WHAT'S UP BITCHES!!!" I smiled and turned as Jimmy came through the door with Allie holding onto his arm, her smile as wide as mine. "GEORGIA PEACH!" he screeched, wrapping me in a hug "How's my baby love doing?" his hand rubbed my belly as we stood around waiting for Zack to appear with Gena. "That fucker is always later I swear!" Brian stated, sliding his arm around my waist as we made idle chit chat. "There he is" Matt stated with a nod of his head, indicating to the doorway behind me. Gena and Zack walked through the doors looking like the model couple and I had to snicker at a couple of women close by, they were giving Gena such a dirty look they might as well have written JEALOUS across their foreheads.

Finally, the entire gang was back together and with hands linked with our partners, that's exactly how we entered the gym. "For fucks sakes this is like déjà vu all over again" Brian hissed through his teeth, taking my hand and leading me over to the refreshment table. I stood a bit away from Brian, trying to figure out what I wanted to drink when I heard an obnoxious voice call out his name. "Brian Haner is that YOU?!" Some random, over tanned blonde appeared out of nowhere and flashed a smile at him. I bit back laughter as Brian took a drink of his coke and shook his head. "Nope, that's not me" he stated in a dead pan voice, his name tag in obvious sight. The blonde laughed and cozied up to him, wrapping her arm around his forearm. "Always the jokester, aren't you?" she purred, making me gag at how disgustingly easy she was being. "Yea Sabrina, that's me. Looks like you've changed a bit." I smiled as I settled on a drink of choice, listening to Brian trying to behave himself while Sabrina acted like an idiot, laughing just a little too loudly. "Well I'm a model now so I suppose I have changed quite a bit" she giggled like a moron. "You're still just as gorgeous as ever...and my oh my, these muscles" she gushed "I bet you work out quite a bit."

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