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     I giggled softly against his lips as he settled on his forearms over me and kissed at my lips over and over again "What are you doing Brian?!" I giggled as he nuzzled his nose into my neck and began gently sucking at my collarbone "I'm locking the world out" he groaned softly against my flesh before resuming his sucking torture with his mouth. Eventually Brian let up on my collarbone and flopped down on the bed next to me, pulling me into him as he went. Brian hiked my leg up and over his side effectively pulling me into him further and slid his hand down around my butt cheek " much as I hate school functions and whatnot I imagine you want to go to Homecoming next weekend?" he asked softly a moment later as his fingers grazed over my flesh lightly. "Mmm, I would like to, yes" I admitted as I snuggled my body into his further "Well I suppose I could suffer through it...for you" he teased in the darkness. "I would love that" I whispered against his lips "Brian?" "Hmm?" was his soft response a second later, "Touch me" I panted almost painfully as I rocked my groin into him.

     Brian groaned deeply and slid his hand down around my ass and in between my legs "Christ you're wet" he groaned as he slid a finger deep inside of me and began fingering me in a fast but soft manner. I instantly started panting against his movements and against the involuntary movement of my hips into him "Just day this will be my dick inside of you...then you'll really be moving good against me" he panted harshly in my ear before rolling me over onto my back with him over me, his finger never leaving me "And I for one can't wait to feel you wrap around me. FUCK! That's my girl...come for me, stop fighting it" he cooed down to me as he took his thumb pad and rubbed at my clit while keeping his finger inside of me. I shuddered and arched my back as my orgasm took hold of me and when Brian's mouth covered my left nipple I couldn't help myself, I moaned out his name long and low. Finally after a few minutes I slowly came down off the high I was on from his touches and sank back into the bed with relief "If you can do that to me with just your finger and your mouth I'm kinda scared to see what will happen when we do have sex" I panted quietly with a stupid smile on my god I felt and acted like I was drunk! Brian laughed quietly and pulled me into him "You're gonna climb the fucking walls is what's gonna happen, I'll have to crawl up there and get you" he snickered as his arms enveloped me to pull me into him completely and tightly.

     As soon as I was snug against him I felt his demanding hardness pushing against me and I remembered that he received no pleasure, no relief. Well that needs to be remedied I told myself as I reached in between us and gently slid my hand underneath the band of his boxers to slowly start stroking his demanding erection. As soon as my hand wrapped around his girth he hummed deeply in his throat and rolled to his back to give me more room to move. The darkened room seemed to have boosted my confidence as I quickly straddled his lap and pull his boxers down in one swift movement, his knees now resting in between my thighs as I stroked him first with one hand then with two in alternating directions. I listened to the noises he made and how his body responded to my touches as to whether he liked what I was doing or not. "Fuck baby!" he panted as he gripped the blankets in his fists, I decided to push it further and slowly leaned down and just flicked my tongue across the head of his dick while holding it firmly in both hands. Brian groaned and shuddered beneath me "Baby don't tease me please" he whined as he took hold of the back of my head and gently but firmly pushed my head further down on him. Slowly and cautiously I took his entire length in my mouth before working my way back up to the top while swirling my tongue around as best as I mouth was pretty full! "FUCK! God DAMMIT that feels fucking awesome!" he panted out lustfully as he gathered my hair in his fist and began guiding me up and down his length.

     Curiosity got the better of me a few minutes later and I decided to push my luck further and with one hand I cupped and gently squeezed his nuts making him come completely off the bed in a flurry of curse words. Startled I backed away quickly "I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean...I hurt you didn't I?" I mumbled miserably as tears threatened to fill my eyes, yes I was every grateful the room was dark now! "Baby come back here" Brian gasped softly in the darkness but I shook my head and shrunk away to the end of my bed "No" I muttered through rapidly growing tears. A second later Brian snapped on my nightstand lamp bathing us in a soft glow, I quickly hid myself with as much of the comforter as I could gather before I felt him crawling towards me. " come here" he said gently as he pulled the comforter away from me and forced my face up to his "You didn't hurt me...quite the opposite actually. It felt amazing" he purred softly in my ear as he nuzzled into my neck "I wouldn't still be rock hard for you if it hurt now would I?" he whispered darkly in my ear as he pulled my hand down to his still throbbing, demanding erection and trapped my hand there. "Please don't stop...please felt so fucking good...god keep going" he panted softly in my ear before pulling my hand down to where I had previously gone before things went screwy and trapped my hand under his "Do it again" he gasped as my fingers gently closed over the most vulnerably spot on his body.

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