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      The next few days flew by crazy fast and before I knew it, Halloween was here. Brian had talked me into going to the huge city beach bash with him and the rest of the guys as well as their siblings.

      "Come on baby it will be fun. I know it won't be the same as what you're used to but maybe this will help you mend your hurt" he prodded softly one day, finally caving me in. The costume idea was up to me, Brian told me he would dress up however I wanted to as long as it didn't involve tights or a skirt. I rambled on through different costume ideas till finally deciding to go against the grain and doing something fun and gory.

      "Let's go as an axe murderer and their victim!" I told Brian excitedly, my former enthusiasm for Halloween quickly returning. Brian laughed and pulled me into him as we walked downtown towards a store that sold costumes. "Please tell me I'm not the victim!" he laughed as we began scouring through costumes and accessories.

      The day of Halloween actually had me excited for once since Wyatt died and I quickly gathered up all my costume necessities before running over to Jimmy's house. We all decided to meet there and help each other with our costumes because this was the year we all apparently decided to go all out and have time consuming costumes. Jimmy and his sisters dressed up as zombies, Matt and Zoe were Frankenstein and the Bride of Frankenstein, and Zack and his girlfriend were vampires. Allie finally showed up an hour later done up as a rather sexy looking zombie and helped Zoe put the finishing touches on all my 'axe wounds' and blood splatters all over my body.

      Katie came in right as they were finishing up and actually looked like she was gonna be sick "Wow Callie you look really gruesome!" she stated almost sickly before giggling and rushing out to the guys. "Brian she looks so gross!" I heard her say as Zoe finished teasing my hair into a frantic mess, giving me the look of someone who had been running through the woods to evade her attacker. Walking out to the guys I couldn't help but giggle at the sight before us, there stood Frankenstein, a dark looking vampire, a tall lanky zombie and my axe murderer. Brian had an insane amount of fake blood and dirt splattered all over him and the axe and his shirt had rips in it from my nails to give the impression I was trying to fend him off with my nails. "Damn baby you look SICK!" Brian gushed as he stalked over to me, axe over his shoulder. "These wounds look so real! Great job ladies!" he laughed as he pulled me into his side so Jimmy's mom could take a group picture of all of us.

      Picture taken, we were finally able to head out towards the beach along with what seemed like the whole city of Huntington Beach. "Holy shit Brian there's a million people here! Maybe I should handcuff you to my side so I don't lose you!" I laughed loudly as the music got louder and louder and the crowd noise increased greatly. "Brian laughed and pulled me into his side as we hit the beach and began blending in with people dancing and laughing. "You won't lose me! Trust me!" he yelled loudly with a huge smile as Jimmy slipped into zombie mode and began moaning and walking funny after his sisters making them shriek and take off running.

      For the next few hours we had a blast, talking, dancing and just goofing off in general. Brian stuck true to his word and stayed close by my side so I didn't get lost in the sea of people. The party was pretty crazy and the DJ kept coming over the speakers and thanking the people of Huntington Beach for being so awesome and not making the cops work too hard. The guys of course had been shitheads and snuck in small bottles of cheap liquor and quickly consumed the contents of the bottles giving themselves quite the buzz.

      "Come on Briannnnn! Let's leave this place and go to our hideout place!" Zack bellowed in a happy drunken stupor as he attempted to fake bite his girlfriend's neck. I felt bad leaving Jimmy and Matt behind but they both had their sisters to look after and couldn't very well leave them there alone so we snuck off away from the party. Brian slipped into his axe murderer roll pretty well and began chasing me down the street whenever there were kids around trick-o-treating, making some of them stop and stare in scared wonder, unsure if we were faking or if it was real.

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