※※ Chapter 1: Meetings ※※

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A warm and sunny day outside, all the kids at the orphanage playing outside, except one little girl (Y/N).
Sitting inside her room, this little girl was staring outside her window, watching the other kids play and have fun. (You're a little shy and don't really talk to the other kids in the orphanage, except your older sister), but your sister was busy helping out so here you were stuck inside your room, doing nothing
(You've been at the orphanage for 1 and a half years , yet you never tried to talk to anyone)

Were you nervous ? Were you just not bothered? Or were you jealous of the kids outside? You just didn't know

"I wish I had someone to play with" Y/N said with a hint of sadness in your voice

Then all of a sudden your bedroom door burst open revealing your sister (O/S)

"Y/NNNNNN" your O/S yelled (not too loud tho) causing you to snap out of your thoughts.

"Omg please don't scare me like that Onee-San" Y/N says as she clutched on to her chest thinking her heart will pop out any second.

"heheh, sorry about that" Your O/S nervously says as she scratches the back of her neck

"Did you need something Onee-San" Y/N asked

"Yessss actually, YOU need to get out and find someone to play with, you can't just stay in your room Y/N" your O/s said as she dragged you by the arm and took you outside your room.

"Ehhhhh wait wait" Y/N said almost yelling while being dragged but your O/S

"I don't know a-anyone there, pleaseee I wanna stay in my room" Y/N said while whining in hopes your older sister stops dragging you.

"Nooooo, you HAVE to get out and make friends Y/N" your O/S said to you, with a hint of worry and eagerness in her voice.

It was pretty simple why your older sister worried about you not going outside, of course it is bad for your mental health, and it's being going on like that ever since you two arrived at the orphanage
The only time you ever went out of the orphanage was to go to the shops with your sister to get supplies. Your sister is always helping out at the orphanage, taking care of her home, I mean it is true, the orphanage is your home is it not ?
Your sister knew that you just need one push to go and talk to the other kids and hopefully get rid of your shyness

"Okay Okay Onee-San, I get it, I will TRY to make friends" Y/N says whilst pouting and looking at the floor.

"Aww that's like it, my little munchkin" your O/S said whilst ruffling your hair, causing you to let out a hmph while crossing your arms

Now, there you stand at the door with your O/ S in front of the large field outside in the back of the orphanage, the warm air gently caressing your skin and you closed your eyes as you stepped out of the door. You could hear laughter coming from the other kids, who are having fun playing.

"Okay kiddo now off you go and I will be on my way, I have stuff to do, call me over if you need anything okay" your O/S said as she patted your head and left your there standing


"looks like I have to go now" Y/N said as you look at the field in front of you

Now you are walking over to the field, you don't realize but your smiling whilst looking at the kids playing. You had a little bit of hope that you will make a friend,
Well let's find out shall we.

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