※※ Chapter 49: Koko And Inui ※※

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Everywhere you went, all you could hear was "The Phantom", people were making a big deal, cuz of course they were curious about who this person was. You honestly didn't care if people found out it was you. You didn't even care what they thought of you...you just stopped caring a long time ago.

So here you were, walking on your own, you were wearing your favourite sandals and ankle high trousers. I swear at this point you probably have a whole stack of sandals 🤣 . You just wanted peace and quiet, but that never seems to be the case, more and more people started targeting you, because, well they found out who you were.

So here you were, walking through the streets, until around 10 people surrounded you..

"Leave. Before I break all of you" your voice cold

"Haha, you think we're gonna let go of you this easily, doll face" one spoke up

Somewhere close by...

Koko and Inui were walking, when they heard commotion somewhere. They walked over to where they were hearing noises, there they saw you being surrounded by 10 people.

"You think we should do something?" Inui asked as he looked at you

"Hmm. No, we'll just watch from here, I think she'll be able to handle them fine" Koko replied, admiring your figure, more specifically your scar, as it was visible from far.

Back to you...

You were just not in the mood right now, so you were pretty pissed, why is is whenever you ask for peace and quiet, it never comes.

You then made a beeline for one standing infront of you and smashed your foot in his stomach, causing them to clutch their stomach in pain. You then roundhouse kicked the two next to him, making sure you hit them nice and hard in the temples. Your movements were so fast and elegant, anyone who watched you fight would easily get mesmerised by you. I guess it was your charm. The exact same thing was happening with Koko and Inui, they both couldn't keep their eyes off you. It's like they wanted to see you fight more. Your speed, the way you move, the way you make it look easy, your elegance, surprisingly didn't make it seem like it you were showing off in anyway. You were just beating them up with ease.

"You know what's funny, she's wearing sandals, yet the impact of her kicks speaks for itself" Koko spoke, watching you in admiration.

"You like her now?" Inui scoffed

"No...Idk maybe" Koko just shrugged

"But it doesn't seem like she's enjoying it at all, like look at her face, she seems bored, if that's even the right word" Koko added as he frowned

Inui then took a better look at your facial expressions and he realised it too.

"I guess you're right" Inui spoke

So there you were, standing with a blank expression, just staring at the unconscious bodies in the floor. You were about to leave but Koko saw someone behind you, holding a sharp object, without thinking, his body moved in its own and the next you knew, he pulled you back by your arm and super punched the person in the face, leaving their face all bloody. You were obviously startled by this. But you saw the person he just punched, and therefore saw the sharp object. But you didn't react to it, you were so used to it, it made no difference to you.

Inui had made his way over to the both of you.

"Thanks" you said

"No need to thank me, but you should be careful next time" Koko answered back

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