※※ Chapter 75: This Is My Plan! ※※

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A few days later...

You met with Izana and the others... You said something before you left.

''Whatever Kisaki and Aoi are planning Izana, I want you to just go along with it, we cannot let them get suspicious, if they find out you know me, they'll definitely take advantage of that. So just go along with whatever they are doing''

''Are you sure you want us to do that?'' Izana asked

''Yeah, I am 100% sure about this. I don't what they're planning, but you guys will since you're apart of the same gang''

''Okay then. We'll do what you ask'' Izana smiled as he ruffled your hair.

''It will get more difficult to meet each other, so we'll just talk on phone'' You added, to which they all nodded

''I have a plan in mind, but I'm gonna speak to Mikey first. If he agrees to it then I'll let you all know what's gonna happen'' You further added

''My my, what the hell is going on in that brain of yours Y/N'' Kaku asked kinda scared


''Don't worry, It ain't risky at all...well I think it isn't..., it just requires a few individuals is all. Who they are I ain't gonna say yet. You'll have to wait'' You stuck your tongue out at him

''Just know, you'll probably be seeing more faces soon...'' You added as you stretched your arms as you got up.

''Ooo, this sounds exciting...'' Ran spoke with a big grin on his face.

They then hugged you before you went back..

''You sure you don't want us to drop you off?'' Rindou added as he hugged you, rocking you gently side to side.

''No, it's okay, I've already called Mikey to pick me up.'' You smiled at him, causing them to nod in response.

You and Mikey were on your way back now, you were holding him tight and had your head rested on his back, as he was speeding through the streets.

''Mikey, head to Musashi Shrine'' You told him

''Sure, is everything okay?'' He asked, kinda worried

''Yeah, everything is okay, I just need to tell you something'' You smiled as you closed your eyes

''I see, is that what you were talking to Izana about?'' He asked

''Sort of. But it's really important'' Your voice was low

''You sure like scaring people don't ya Y/N-Chin?'' Mikey chuckled

''Sorry'' You chuckled back

So then, you and Mikey were sat on the steps, you leaned back. No one else was there, just the two of you. Mikey was getting anxious at your silence, so he spoke up.

''What do you wanna tell me then?''

''It's about Kisaki and Aoi.'' You looked at him straight in the eye


''What about them?'' He asked, getting worried

''They joined Tenjiku.'' Your voice stern

𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐓𝐨 𝐇𝐞𝐫?  || 𝘛𝘰𝘬𝘺𝘰 𝘙𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘴Where stories live. Discover now