※※ Chapter 44: Recovery ※※

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Note this chapter and the next will be short. 

Kinda wanted to include it since it's been a rollercoaster of emotions. I think we deserve a break (for now haha)

It was a beautiful day outside, the sun's rays shining through the hospital window. The room was filled with flowers and gifts you received from the others. Could one say this was a hospital room, no right? What stood out in the room was four little teddy bears sitting on your bed besides you (imma make this fluffy as possible, your hearts need a rest). Two on either side of your shoulders and two lying on your stomach (how cute ❤). The room also smelled like vanilla (your favourite scent).

(✿◕‿◕✿)༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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There you were, sleeping peacefully on the bed. You were now a lot more stable, not needing the oxygen mask, however, your body was still weak, so therefore you still had to stay in the hospital. Your chest slowly moving up and down. This room never felt lonely to you... why?

Because of everyone else, that's why. They've always been there with you, keeping you company, making jokes, giggling. Your heart was at ease, because you were grateful for everyone being there for you. You got scolded on a few occasions for trying to get up, when your body clearly couldn't cope with it, but you knew, those idiots were just too overprotective of you. But you felt at peace with them, you felt safe!!

Ran and Rindou, slowly walked through the door, being as quiet as possible, to not wake you up. They smiled when they saw you, more so with all the teddy bears surrounding you. They made their way over and sat on either side of your bed. Rindou gently stroking your hair. You looked so peaceful sleeping there, it warmed their hearts, knowing that you well and alive, infront of them. There would be times they'd have moments were they kept questioning themselves, whether you being alive was true or not, same thing was going on with Mikey and the others. I guess they were just so happy, they couldn't believe it...hehe.

You slowly opened your eyes, as you felt something touch you, you looked up and saw Ran and Rindou smiling down at you. 

''I'm sorry we woke you up, princess'' Ran spoke gently

''Hmm, it's okay'' You answered.

You tried to get up, only to be stopped by them. Of course you knew this was going to happen.

''Don't even think about it Y/N'' Rindou spoke up

''Guys, I can't keep lying down forever, I want to move'' You sighed

Ran then picked up one of the teddy bears and squished your cheeks with it's arms (this is just too cute... sorry, I'm smiling like an idiot rn).

''Your little teddy bear protection squad ain't gonna let you, if you're not gonna listen to us, then listen to them'' Ran spoke as he smiled 

''Exactly'' Rindou added, as he picked up that was lying on your stomach and patted your head with its arm.

You just sighed, these idiots weren't gonna let you do anything, same goes for the other idiots. So, time went on and you three were laughing, though it did hurt you when you laughed, you ended up clutching your stomach as a result. Of course you told them off for making you laugh. 

The door opened revealing Mikey and the others, there was a moment of silence. But Ran and Rindou soon went off, both gently patting your heads before they left. After they went, you were engulfed into a hug from Hina and Emma. Mikey got jealous and tried to get them off you, but to no avail. 

So then the rest of the day was went with Toman, you guys were chatting and laughing. 

Sanzu was sat next to you on the bed, with his arms wrapped around you, you were leaning on his shoulder... when he spoke up...

''Next time you pull a stunt like that, imma personally murder you myself Y/N'' He threatened, but not really (Haha)

''Hehhh, there is no way you would do that, you love me too much to do that, so ha ha!'' You answered as you poked his cheek.

So then, your bickering went on and on, until Sanzu eventually gave up with you, haha he lost the argument with you. So yeah, all was good, and you my friend was recovering well. Now then....time for them to go home... wooo!!

Y'all can relax now!! I had to include this chapter, cuz It was getting very emotional. Hope ya'll enjoyed it!!

For now... *Insert evil laughter* 

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