※※ Chapter 22: Hanagaki Takemichi Meets Y/N ※※

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''Ehhh, she slapped you?!! '' You asked, surprised, but that turned into laughter.

''What? Is it that funny now? '' Mikey scoffed, while puffing his cheeks.

''Aww man, why wasn't I there, I wanna meet her now!?'' You chuckled, as you wiped a tear from your eye.

You, Mikey and Ken, were now on your way to meet with Mikey's new friend, Hanagaki Takemichi (haha), you found out this the girl who slapped Mikey, was in fact Takemitchy's girlfriend, making you even more curious as to who these two were.

You sat on the railing, while the two went to grab Takemitchy and his girlfriend. You had a lolipop in your mouth, with the same ol' neutral expression, not wearing a mask since you didn't care about what other's say about your scar. You heard Mikey calling you, causing you to turn around, you were met with a blonde kid and a girl with pink coloured hair. 

You smiled at them, 

''You must be Hanagaki Takemichi, I am L/N Y/N, but you can call me Y/N'' You spoke as you your hand out for a handshake.

''Nice to meet you too'' Takemichi replied, returning the handshake


''HUHH?!! Wait... You're Y/N?'' Takemichi yelled, with shock written over his face.

''Uhhh, yes... Do you perhaps know me?'' You asked back

''Erh... Mikey-Kun told me about you...how you're the 3rd Commander of Toman... hehe'' Takemichi replied. 

'' I see, so this idiot speaks about me behind my back hey...'' You shot back, causing Takemichi and the girl to sweatdrop, Mikey just looked away whistling, while Ken just sighed.

Takemichi's POV

''They must really be close''

 You then glanced back at the girl behind Takemichi, when her eyes met yours, a hint of blush appeared on her cheeks. 

The girl's POV

''Ahhh she is so pretty... the scar suits her...'' (yeah pretty much admiring your face there haha)

''I'm Tachibana Hinata, but you can call me Hina'' Hina said with a small smile.

'' Nice to meet you Hina-Chan'' You replied with a big smile


''I know you're also the one that slapped Mikey'' You laughed.

Hina and Takemichi's POV

''AHHH, I think she just killed us, with that smile, my kokoro...''

Takemichi's POV

''Wait wait, what am I thinkin?''

''Ehh, that was a total misunderstanding, I am so sorry'' Hina replied with a hint of blush, while scratching the back of her neck.

Now the five of you were walking, the guys at the back, with you and Hina, a few feet infront of them.

You and Hina got along well, you were talking to each other, as if you've known each other for so long, you were smiling, unaware of the amount of times you killed Hina's heart. 💘

Meanwhile with the boys..

''So, is Y/N-San back in Toman now?'' Takemichi asked as he was watching Hina laugh with you.

''Yeah, she is...'' Ken replied, while Mikey nodding in response

It was silent for a few minutes, Mikey and Ken both noticed the silence coming from Takemichi, they knew he was looking at your scar, everytime you turned to face Hina, it was visible from afar.

(Your scar crosses over your lips, diagonally, leading all the way down to your neck, so yes, it was big scar!)

''Takemitchy, we both know you have questions about Y/N-chin's scar, but I suggest you don't question her about it, I'm sure Hina-Chan won't question it either despite having questions too. Let this be a warning. She may be laughing right now, but she is still hurt deep down. I'm not in any place to tell you what happened, nor do I want to disrespect Y/N-chin, so please Takemitchy, do not ever ask what happened, you got that'' Mikey explained, to which Takemichi just nodded in silence.

He could tell by Mikey's voice, it wasn't something they wanted to talk about, why were they avoiding the topic so much? Who do they look sad everytime Y/N's scar is mentioned? JUST WHAT EXACTLY HAPPENED TO HER? Multiple questions were running through Takemichi's mind.

You were so mysterious...

The rest of the day, was spent with all of you hanging out at a cafe. Now it was time to go home. Yayyy.

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